NIH Research Festival
FAES Terrace
The NCI Genitourinary Malignancies Center of Excellence (GUM-COE) brings together scientists studying genitourinary cancers (GU) from across NCI’s Center for Cancer Research (CCR), the Division of Cancer Epidemiology & Genetics (DCEG) as well as investigators who study GU malignancies in other institutes of the NIH. Our goal is to provide a centralized resource and infrastructure aimed at accelerating the discovery, development, and delivery of interventions for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of these cancers. Our Multidisciplinary Prostate Team focuses on investigating the biology of and developing new strategies for the diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment of prostate cancer, through science-driven clinical research and clinical trials. Some of these clinical trials investigate novel approaches in immunotherapy, hormonal therapy, chemotherapy combinations, and small-molecule targeted therapy. Other trials led by the team investigate novel molecular imaging and tumor-ablative protocols.
Scientific Focus Area: Research Support Services
This page was last updated on Friday, March 26, 2021