NIH Research Festival
Masur Auditorium, Building 10
The BRAIN Initiative (Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies) was launched in 2013 as a collaborative, public-private research partnership with the goal of facilitating the development and application of innovative technologies to understand brain function. Inspired by the Human Genome Project and born out of a Grand Challenge, the BRAIN Initiative seeks to revolutionize our understanding of the human brain. This session will provide an overview of neuroscience and neurotechnology research directions being pursued within the NIH Intramural Research Program as well as offer a panel discussion that will cover past activities and future directions of this innovative new program.
Moderator: Dietmar Plenz, Ph.D. (NIMH)
Masur Auditorium, Building 10
As our understanding of innate immune mechanisms and their relationship to adaptive immunity has become clearer, we have grown to appreciate how inflammation lies at the heart of nearly all diseases. We now see that, on many levels, all cells are “immune” cells and that inflammation and metabolism are intrinsically linked, a revolutionary concept that is opening new pathways to cures. This session explores the broad impact of inflammatory mechanisms on a broad range of disorders and their treatment.
Moderator: John J. O’Shea, M.D. (NIAMS)
Masur Auditorium, Building 10
The Cancer Moonshot was launched in 2016 with the stated goal of achieving in five years what would otherwise take a decade of cancer research. To identify those areas of cancer research that were poised for acceleration, a Blue Ribbon Panel was convened with representatives from across the cancer continuum. The panel developed a series of recommendations designed to accelerate our understanding of cancer. This session will review those recommendations, describe the extramural programs that are being established, and highlight three of the intramural programs that are being launched as part of the Cancer Moonshot.
Moderator: Dinah Singer, Ph.D. (NCI-CCR)
This page was last updated on Monday, March 15, 2021