NIH Research Festival
FAES Terrace
Immigration from Africa to the United States is stressful. Stress causes cardiovascular, metabolic and immune dysregulation. Allostatic load score (ALS) quantifies the effect of dysregulation in these 3 systems. Our goal was to determine the influence of age of immigration and reason for immigration on ALS in 238 African immigrants (AI) (age 40±10, mean±SD, range 21-64y). ALS was calculated using 10 variables, 6 were CV (SBP, DBP, triglyceride, cholesterol, homocysteine), 4 were metabolic (BMI, A1C, albumin, eGFR) and 1 was immune (CRP). Each variable was divided into sex-specific quartiles. High risk was defined by the highest quartile for each variable except for albumin and eGFR. Each biomarker was assigned 1 point if in the high risk quartile and 0 if not. Overall, 16% of AI were childhood immigrants (arrived in US
Scientific Focus Area: Health Disparities
This page was last updated on Friday, March 26, 2021