NIH Research Festival
Drosophila melanogaster is a prime model organism for genotypic drug and toxicology research. Drugs and toxic chemicals are known to alter organisms’ behavior, but fruit fly behavior has been difficult to study due to automation and throughput limitations. To provide a method for video monitoring and analysis of fruit fly behavior in high throughput studies, we designed a 24 well Whole Animal Feeding FLat (WAFFL ) to house flies and provide them food during long term 24 hour exposures and the Fly Video Utility for Experimental Recording (FlyVUER ) to record high quality videos of the flies during the exposure. Additionally, we developed models and algorithms to analyze the raw videos for fly position and predicted behavior. The system is highly controllable and modifiable, allowing experimenters to perform a wide range of assays in high throughput.
Scientific Focus Area: Research Support Services
This page was last updated on Tuesday, August 6, 2024