NIH Research Festival
FAES Terrace
Use of differences in glucose curve morphology during the 2-hour OGTT could improve prediabetes risk stratification. However, the reproducibility and diagnostic sensitivity of morphological metrics are not clearly defined. We conducted a retrospective analysis of 83 overweight/obese adolescent girls (age 15±5, mean±SD, range 12-17y; BMI 33±12 kg/m2) who participated in a behavioral intervention study for 6 weeks and compared OGTT glucose curve parameters and HbA1c using 2 OGTTs, 6 weeks apart. The intervention did not significantly alter insulin sensitivity. Participants underwent a standard OGTT with glucose collected at 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120min. Prediabetes was defined as fasting glucose =100mg/dl and/or 2h-glucose =140mg/dl. Participants were characterized by (1) curve shape (mono vs. biphasic), (2) time to peak (30 vs. = 30mins), (3) 1h-glucose (at
Scientific Focus Area: Computational Biology
This page was last updated on Friday, March 26, 2021