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Lysozyme, microbial translocation and symptom severity in Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Tuesday, September 23, 2014 — Poster Session III

12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

FAES Academic Center




  • L.B. Sherwin
  • N.H. Fourie
  • S.K. Abey
  • P.A. Smyser
  • B. Rahim-Williams
  • Z. Sun
  • X. Wu
  • W.A. Henderson


Lysozyme is a bacteriolytic enzyme for which expression levels have been associated with differential compositions of the gut microflora. We hypothesized differences in lysozyme gene expressions may contribute to altered gastrointestinal (GI) barrier integrity and influence symptom severity in adults with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). As an indicator of GI barrier integrity, we measured serum LPS Binding Protein. We performed microarray analysis in a sample (n=90, 51% female, 49% overweight, 32% IBS). Lysozyme mRNA expression levels were significantly lower in the IBS cohort as compared to healthy controls (p=.012). The IBS-diarrhea cohort had lower lysozyme gene expression levels compared to healthy controls (p=.033) and the IBS-constipation cohort (p=.044). LBP, measured by ELISA, was higher in females compared to males (p=.05). There was a significant negative correlation of lysozyme gene expression and serum LBP in the IBS cohort (-.383; p=.044). There was also a significant positive correlation of LBP and percent body fat in the overall cohort (n=86) (.257; p=.017); and IBS cohort (.464; p=.015). Lysozyme genetic expression levels may play an integral part in intestinal barrier function and the pathogenesis of IBS.

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