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Signals and Patterns: Basic and Clinical Research in Developmental Biology

Tuesday, October 25, 2011 — Concurrent Symposia Session II

10:00 a.m. – Noon

Room E1/E2


  • Mitch Eddy, NIEHS
  • Humphrey Yao, NIEHS


Understanding how organs form during development not only advances our knowledge on the basic biology of living organisms, but also provides clues on how defects in fetal life could contribute to disorders in adulthood and potential for disease treatment. This symposium brings a diverse group of NIH intramural researchers from four institutes to present basic and clinically relevant studies on organ formation in vertebrate. Covering topics from cell-fate determination, genome-wide identification of developmental regulator, to environmental impact on organ development, this symposium will attract a broad audience with interests on organogenesis, signal transduction, stem cell biology, cancer biology, and fetal-environment interaction.

Maternal Control of Fertilization and Early Mouse Development
Jurrien Dean, NIDDK

Wnt Signaling in Vertebrate Morphogenesis
Yingzi Yang, NHGRI

Hoxd Proteins, Gli3/Hh and Beta-catenin Interact in a Pathway Directing Joint Formation
Susan Mackem, NCI

The Role of Fgf Signaling in the Outgrowth of Embryonic Structures
Mark Lewandoski, NCI

The Expansion of Progenitor Cells During Organogenesis Requires Both Fgfr2b and c-Kit Signaling *FARE Award Winner
Isabelle Lombaert, NIDCR

Sex, Survival, and Hedgehog: A Story of How Embryos Make their Gonads and Adrenals
Humphrey Yao, NIEHS

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