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The PRMC: meeting your protein and metabolite research needs

Wednesday, October 26, 2011 — Poster Session III

10:00 a.m. – Noon

Natcher Conference Center




  • T Andresson
  • R Bagni
  • D Esposito
  • A Stephen
  • M Zhou
  • T Veenstra


The Protein and Metabolite Research Center (PMRC) within the Advanced Technology Program provides an extensive suite of services to NCI investigators in support of their research needs. One aim is to provide a comprehensive protein analysis center; beginning with cloning, expression and purification through to complete protein complex characterization including quantitation of the affinity of these interactions. Protein quantitation and identification of post-translational modifications is also available using mass spectrometry (MS). Not only does the PMRC specialize in designing custom quantitative metabolite assays, but also provides global metabolomic analysis to compare clinical samples. The PMRC offers expertise in the production of proteins in bacterial, yeast, insect, and mammalian expression hosts with microscale purification scouting to maximize success and minimize cost. The PMRC supports production of custom recombinant lentivirus and adenovirus for gene knockdowns in vitro and in vivo. In addition, the center provides customized qPCR assays to detect viral nucleic acids and serological assays to detect viral antigens or antibodies inclinical specimens. The overall goal is to provide NCI investigators a centralized location that meets all of their needs for both protein and metabolite research.

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