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Visual Function Core at National Eye Institute

Thursday, October 27, 2011 — Core Poster Session

10:00 a.m. – Noon

South Lobby of Building 10




  • H Qian
  • Y Li


The NEI visual function core provides facility and expertise in using non-invasive techniques to measure visual function in animal models. The core provides training and access in using electrophysiological and imaging techniques to evaluate eye function. Electroretinogram (ERG) affords a quantitative, objective, and noninvasive method by which to examine light-evoked neuronal activity, and is commonly used to study the functional integrity of normal and diseased retinas. A number of ERG recording protocols have been developed to assay specific function in the retina. Core also provides techniques and expertise in analyzing ERG data. In addition, a state-of-art Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) machine is available to generate high quality optical section of retina in live animals. The equipment is capable of scan both anterior and posterior segment of the eye, and provides 3-D reconstruction of layered structure. Moreover, pupillary responses and other behavioral tests are being developed to evaluate various aspects of visual function in animals.

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