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Optimzed 3D sodium imaging of the human heart on a 3T scanner

Thursday, November 07, 2013 — Poster Session II

12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

FAES Academic Center (Upper-Level Terrace)




  • N.D. Gai
  • C.E. Rochitte
  • M.S. Nacif
  • D.A. Bluemke


The feasibility of performing 3D volume imaging of the heart on a clinical 3T scanner is explored here. A transmit-receive Na/H surface coil was used along with a stack of spirals pulse sequence. Sequence optimization allows for imaging of the entire human heart in a time period feasible for clinical studies. Sequence optimization is performed by considering factors such as spoiling, nutation angles, repetition time, echo time, T1/T2 relaxation, off-resonance, data acquisition window, motion and segmented k-space acquisition optimized for cardiac imaging. Simulations based on Bloch equations as well as the exact trajectory used for data acquisition provide the basis for choice of parameter combinations for sodium imaging of the heart. Phantom studies were used to validate the choice of parameters and for corroboration with simulations. Finally, images obtained from human volunteers showed that the entire heart can be imaged in about 6-10 minutes (depending on heart rate). Further improvements in hardware and software should allow for better RF homogeneity, increased SNR and depth resolution.

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