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NIH Research Festival 2005
2005 NIH Research Festival

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October 18 - October 21
General Schedule of Events
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Symposia Session II - 7 concurrent symposia
  Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Natcher Auditorium

Evaluation of Novel Vaccines for Old and New Diseases

10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m

Co-chaired by Hana Golding, CBER/FDA and Alan Sher, NIAID

Balcony C, Natcher Conference Center

Vaccines have been an extraordinarily efficient and cost-effective approach in the control of many infectious diseases, and remain of interest given public health problems posed by emerging and re-emerging pathogens. Historically, vaccine development has been a largely empiric exercise. Now, however, sophisticated understanding of immune mechanisms provides exciting new strategies for vaccine development. At the same time, new vaccine candidates present new challenges in how they will be evaluated. This session will highlight the fertile intersection on the NIH campus between outstanding basic immunology, assay development, and animal models that facilitate the introduction and evaluation of new vaccines.


New Malaria Vaccines: Functional Evaluation of Antibodies to Malaria Blood-stage Vaccine Candidates
Carole Long, NIAID

HIV Vaccine Trials: Differential Diagnosis of HIV Infection in the Face of Vaccine-induced Antibodies
Surender Khurana, CBER/FDA

Evaluation of Vaccines against SARS and Avian Influenza
Kanta Subbarao, NIAID

Dengue Virus Vaccine Development: A Novel Mouse Model for Evaluation of Live Attenuated Viral Vaccines
Steve Whitehead, NIAID

Hepatitis C Vaccine Development: Studying Vaccine-induced Neutralizing Antibodies Using a Retroviral Pseudo-particle System
Jens Bukh, NIAID

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