Co-chaired by Jonathan Yewdell
(NIAID) and Alan Sher (NIAID)
Submitted by Immunology Interest Group Steering Committee
Balcony C, Natcher Conference Center
The unexpectedly large number of strategies used by pathogens
to evade and/or manipulate the host immune response has
only become clear in the recent past. NIH scientists
have played key roles in uncovering this aspect of host-pathogen
interaction, whose understanding is essential to both effective
vaccine design and the generation of new therapeutic agents. The
speakers in this session will discuss how mycobacteria,
parasites and viruses influence host responses for their
The Fall and Rise of Mycobacterial Virulence Determinants
Clifton Barry, NIAID
Role and Antigen Specificity of Natural Treg during Parasitic
Yasmine Belkaid, NIAID
Herpesviruses vs. Interferon: A Battle Royal for Survival
Jeffrey Cohen, NIAID
Influenza A Virus vs. Host Immunity:
Old and New Tricks
Jonathan W. Yewdell, NIAID