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NIH Research Festival 2005
2005 NIH Research Festival

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October 17 - October 20
General Schedule of Events
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Concurrent Symposia
Job Fair for NIH Postdoctoral, Research, and Clinical Fellows
Special Exhibits on Resources for Intramural Research
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Symposia Session III - 7 concurrent symposia
  Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Natcher Auditorium

New Methods in Tissue Profiling

2:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Co-chaired by Amina Woods, NIDA, and Alfred Yergey, NICHD

Balcony C, Natcher Conference Center

One of the most exciting applications of MALDI mass spectrometry is the direct analysis of cells and tissue. With minimal pretreatment, laser ablation is used to add the gas phase cellular components. This new technique for imaging tissue can also be used to compare healthy and diseased tissue, to discover biomarkers, to localize drugs in tissue and to study the interaction of drugs with various biomolecules. When combining laser capture micro-dissection (LCM) with IR and UV MALDI, the results are powerful imaging tools that can be highly complementary to PET scanning, for tissue analysis, and to autoradiography, for localization of compounds of interest. The technique requires minimal sample preparation, offers high detection sensitivity with low sample loss, shortens the sample turn-around time, and is devoid of radioisotope possible hazards and high cost.


Direct Profiling of Lipid Distribution in Brain Tissue and their in situ Interaction with Drugs Using MALDI-TOFMS
Shirley N. Jackson, NIDA

Analysis of Variance-principal Component Analysis: A Soft Tool for Proteomic Discovery
Alfred L. Yergey, NICHD

Proteomic Analysis of Formalin-fixed Paraffin-embedded Prostate Cancer Tissue
Timothy D. Veenstra, NCI

Application of Spectroscopy to Archival Pathology Material
Stephen M. Hewitt, NCI

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