Poster Session 1
APO-1 Mustafa, Khadija A (NIA) K. Mustafa, D. Liu, C. Wu, and M. Mattson
  Involvement of Mitochondrial DNA Glycosylase OGG1 in Neuronal Survival and Functional Outcome in Experimental Stroke
APO-2 Nguyen, Dao M (NCI) D.M. Nguyen, R.M. Reddy, W. Tsai, W-S. Yeow, M.F. Ziauddin, J.T. Zuo, D.S. Schrump.
  The Essential Role of the Mitochondria-Dependent Apoptosis-Inducing Signaling Cascade in Chemotherapy-Induced Potentiation of Apo2L/TRAIL Cytotoxicity in Cultured Thoracic Cancer Cells
APO-4 Yeow, Wen-Shuz (NCI) W-S. Yeow, M.F. Ziauddin, J.B. Maxhimer, J.T. Zuo, D.S. Schrump, D.M. Nguyen
  Profound Induction of Apoptosis in Thoracic Cancer Cells by Valproic Acid, an Antiepileptic Drug with Histone Deacetylase inhibitory activity, in combination the clinically relevant kinase inhibitor UCN-01.
APO-5 Yoo, Min-Hyuk (NCI) M-H Yoo, X-M Xu, V.N. Gladyshev and D.L. Hatfield
  Involvement of Thioredoxin Reductase 1 in UV Induced Apoptosis
APO-6 Zuo, Jing Tong (NCI) J.T. Zuo, A.M. Alleva, G.W. Cole Jr, W-S. Yeow, D.S. Schrump, D.M. Nguyen
  Suppression of Pro-metastasis Phenotypes Expression in Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma by the PI3K Inhibitor LY294002 or the MEK Inhibitor UO126