Apoptosis |
Mustafa, Khadija
K. Mustafa, D. Liu, C. Wu, and M. Mattson
Involvement of Mitochondrial DNA Glycosylase OGG1 in Neuronal Survival and Functional Outcome in Experimental Stroke
Nguyen, Dao
D.M. Nguyen, R.M. Reddy, W. Tsai, W-S. Yeow, M.F. Ziauddin, J.T. Zuo, D.S. Schrump.
The Essential Role of the Mitochondria-Dependent Apoptosis-Inducing Signaling Cascade in Chemotherapy-Induced Potentiation of Apo2L/TRAIL Cytotoxicity in Cultured Thoracic Cancer Cells
Yeow, Wen-Shuz
W-S. Yeow, M.F. Ziauddin, J.B. Maxhimer, J.T. Zuo, D.S. Schrump, D.M. Nguyen
Profound Induction of Apoptosis in Thoracic Cancer Cells by Valproic Acid, an Antiepileptic Drug with Histone Deacetylase inhibitory activity, in combination the clinically relevant kinase inhibitor UCN-01.
Yoo, Min-Hyuk
M-H Yoo, X-M Xu, V.N. Gladyshev and D.L. Hatfield
Involvement of Thioredoxin Reductase 1 in UV Induced Apoptosis
Zuo, Jing Tong
J.T. Zuo, A.M. Alleva, G.W. Cole Jr, W-S. Yeow, D.S. Schrump, D.M. Nguyen
Suppression of Pro-metastasis Phenotypes Expression in Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma by the PI3K Inhibitor LY294002 or the MEK Inhibitor UO126