Genetics/Genomics |
Barb, Jennifer
J. (CIT)
J.J. Barb, H. Schindel, P.J. Munson
GO-SCAN, Analysis and Visualization of Gene Ontology Annotations
Belfer, Inna
I. Belfer, B. Buzas, H. Hipp, G. Phillips, J. Taubman, I. Lorincz, C. Evans, R.H. Lipsky, M-A. Enoch, M.B. Max and D. Goldman
Haplotype Structure of Human Adrenergic Receptor Genes
Bojanowski, Christine
Marie (NEI)
C.M. Bojanowski, J. Tuo, E.Y. Chew, K.G. Csaky, C.C. Chan
Analysis of the Hemicentin-1 Q5345R, hOgg1 S326C, CSB-6530C/G, and E-selectin S149R Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) in Age-related Macular Degeneration
Bondy, Carolyn
C. Bondy, P. Brown, P. Van, V. Bakalov
Does the Second X-chromosome Confer Protection from Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD)?
Chen, Zehua
Z. Chen and T.D. Schneider
Comparative Analysis of T7-like Promoter Bearing Regions in Bacterial Genomes Reveals a Novel Group of Islands
Chung, Seyung
S. Chung and D. Masison
Two Isoforms of Yeast HSP70 Chaperones are Required for Different Prions [PSI+] And [URE3] Propagation in a Distinctive Way
Clarence, Anitha
Rachel (NCI)
A.R.Clarence, M.Upender and T.Ried
Karyotypic Evolution and Chromosome Stability in Artificially Induced Trisomies
Correa-Cerro, Lina
L.S. Correa-Cerro, C.A. Wassif, L. Kratz, R. Kelly, F.D. Porter
Simvastatin Therapy Improve the Biochemical Phenotype in a Hypomorphic Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome Mouse Model
Cui, Yongzhi
Y. Cui, G. Riedlinger, K. Miyoshi, W. Tang, P. Kovanen, W. Leonard, C. Li, C. Deng, G. Robinson, L. Hennighausen
Stat5 Revisited: Inactivation of Stat5 in Specific Cells and Defined Time Points
Duggal, Priya
P. Duggal, A.P. Klein, K. E. Lee, S. K. Iyengar, R. Klein, J. E. Bailey-Wilson, B.E. Klein
Identification of Two Novel Loci that Influence Intraocular Pressure in the Beaver Dam Eye Study
Dzekunova, Inna
R. (NCI)
I.R.Dzekunova, B.Peng, D.W.Petersen, E.Kawasaki
Monkeying Around: Rhesus mRNA Expression Profiles from Human Microarrays
Enright, Brian
Patrick (NCI)
B.P. Enright, S. Maeng, W. Sonoyama, M. Miura, S. Shi, and L. Shen
Dynamic Remodeling of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Niche in GDNF Haploinsufficient Mice
Finch, Thembi
T. Finch, K. Xu, E. Westley, A. Roy, W. Maier, D. Goldman
Linkage Disequilibrium of the GABRA Cluster Genes on Chromosome 4 with Opiate Addiction in an African American and a German Population
Goker-Alpan, Ozlem
O. Goker-Alpan, K.S. Hruska, B.K. Stubblefield, E. Sidransky
Does Mutant Glucocerebrosidase Trigger Protein Aggregation?
Goonesekere, Nalin
C. (NCI)
N. C. W. Goonesekere, BK Lee
Frequency of Gaps Observed in a Structurally Aligned Protein Pair Database Suggests a Simple Gap Penalty Function
Habermann, Jens
K. (NCI)
J. Habermann, U. Paulsen, U. Roblick, M. Upender, L. McShane, E. Korn, S. Krüger, H.-P. Bruch, G. Auer, and T. Ried
The Pattern of Aneuploidy and Genomic Imbalances Correlates with Specific Gene Expression Changes Along the Adenoma-Carcinoma-Sequence of Colorectal Carcinogenesis
Hahn, Yoonsoo
Y. Hahn, T.K. Bera, K. Gehlhaus, I.R. Kirsch, I.H. Pastan, and B. Lee
Expressed Sequence Tags Database as Information Source for Discovery of Gene Fusion Resulting from Structural Rearrangement of Chromosomes
Haque, Kashif
A. (NCI)
K.A. Haque, Y. Qi, M.B. Beerman, C.L. Glaser, I. Barrow, J.L. Hartwell, R.A. Welch, M. Garcia-Closas, P. Castle, N. Rothman, S.J. Chanock, A.W. Bergen
Genotyping Performance of Whole Genome Amplified DNA Derived from Genomic DNA Templates of Variable Quantity and Quality
Hildenbrand, Hanna
Lynne (CC)
H. Hildenbrand, G. Furst, and A.C.M. Smith
Patterns of Sensory Processing in Children with Smith-Magenis Syndrome, Del (17) (p11.2p11.2)
Hodgkinson, Colin
C. Hodgkinson, A. Malhotra, S. Persaud, R. Lipsky, and D. Goldman
Disrupted in Schizophrenia 1 (DISC1) Associates with Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective Disorder and Bipolar Disorder.
Ibay, Grace
G.P. Ibay, D. Stambolian, L. Reider, D. Dana, M. Schlifka, T. Holmes, R. Owens, E. Ciner, J.E. Bailey –Wilson
Evidence for a Myopia Susceptibility Locus on Chromosome 22 in an Ashkenazi Jewish Population
Khan, Sikandar
Gauhar (NCI)
S. Khan, K. Oh, S. Emmert, T. Shahlavi, C. Baker, D. Schmidt, J. DiGiovanna1, and K. Kraemer
An Identical Mutation in the Human XPC DNA Repair Gene in Two Patients With and Without Neurological Abnormalities
Khil, Pavel
P. Khil, N. Smirnova, P. Romanienko, R. D. Camerini-Otero
The Mouse X Chromosome is Enriched for Sex-Biased Genes not Subject to Selection by Meiotic Sex Chromosome Inactivation
Kimchi-Sarfaty, Chava
C. Kimchi-Sarfaty, J.M. Oh, J. Gribar, I.W. Kim, A. Sherman, S.V. Ambudkar, and M.M. Gottesman
Characterization of the Multidrug Drug Resistance 1 (MDR1) Gene Polymorphisms
Knutsen, Turid
T. Knutsen, V. Gobu, R. Knaus, H. Padilla-Nash, T. Groesbeck, T. Ried, K. Sirotkin
"Cancerchromosomes," A New Entrez Database for Searching NCI and NCBI Cytogenetic Databases
LaMarca, Mary
ME LaMarca, DS Lieber, ME Portnoy, KS Hruska, ED Green, E Sidransky
Multispecies Comparative Sequence Analysis of the Glucocerebrosidase Gene Locus
Lee, Yun-Sil
Y. Lee, H. Kim, and R.A. Dionne
Expression Patterns and Genetic Polymorphisms of Cyclooxygenase (COX) Genes in a Clinical Model of Tissue Injury
Lustig, Ana
A. Lustig, K. Becker, W. Wood, D. Teichberg, A. Weeraratna, D. Bertak, S. Poosala, J. Firman, A. Zonderman, D. Longo, and D. Taub
Age and Diet- Associated Changes in Gene Expression Patterns in the Murine Thymus
Mattapallil, Mary
J. (NEI)
M.J. Mattapallil, A.M. Viley, C.C. Chan, P.B. Silver, L.A. Donoso, J.A. Hanson, C.S. David and R.R. Caspi
HLA DR and DQ Interact to Control Susceptibility to Experimental Autoimmune Uveitis (EAU)
Packer, Bernice
R. (NCI)
B. Packer, M. Yeager, B. Staats, R. Welch, A. Crenshaw, M. Kiley, A. Eckert, M. Beerman, A. Bergen, and S. Chanock
SNP500 Cancer Database: Sequence Validation and Assay Optimization of Candidate Gene SNPs for Molecular Epidemiology Studies in Cancer
Pang, Lap-Yin
A.L.Y. Pang, M.M. Martin, D.H. Bellan, A.L.A. Martin, O.M. Rennert and W.Y. Chan
Alterations of Gene Expression Pattern in Testicular Biopsy from A Patient with DAX-1 Mutation
Pangilinan, Faith
F. Pangilinan, D. Swanson, A. Weiler, V. O'Leary, A. Parle-McDermott, M. Conley, C. Cox, T. Frey, A. Molloy, P. Kirke, J. Mills, J. Scott, L. Brody
Transcobalamin II Polymorphisms Influence Plasma Levels of Vitamin B12 But are Not Major Risk Factors for Neural Tube Defects
Penzak, Scott
R. (CC)
S.R. Penzak, R.M. Alfaro, E. Formentini, J. Falloon
Influence of MDR1 Genotypes on Saquinavir Pharmacokinetics in Healthy Human Subjects
Pezza, Roberto
Jose (NIDDK)
R.J. Pezza, G. Pethukova, E. Boja, H.M. Fales and R.D. Camerini-Otero
Biochemical and Biophysical Characterization of The Mouse Meiotic Proteins Hop2 and Mnd1
Pierce, Michael
M.M. Pierce, U. Baxa, A. Bax & R.B. Wickner
The Ure2p Prion Domain is Unstructured in the Soluble Form
Rajkumar, Jonathan
N. (NCI)
J. Rajkumar, A. Kahn, B. Zeeberg, W. Feng, G. Wang, M. Wang, A. Fojo, M. Sunshine, S. Narasimhan, D. Kane, W. Reinhold, S. Lababidi, K. Bussey, and J. Weinstein
Enhancing the Perception of Information in Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) for Analysis of Gene Expression Microarray Data
Reimers, Mark
M Reimers
Quality Control of Spatial Artifacts in Raw Microarray Data
Scalco, Fernanda
F.B. Scalco, L.S. Correa-Cerro, C.A. Wassif, D. Moretti-Ferreira, F.D. Porter
IVS8-1G>C and T93M are the Most Frequent 7-Dehydrocholesterol Reductase Mutations Identified in a Cohort of Smoith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome Patients from Brazil
Shankavaram, Uma
U.Shankavaram, W.C. Reinhold, M. Reimers, U. Scherf, D. Doginow, and J.W.Weinstein
Molecular, Biological, and Therapeutic Profiling of the NCI-60 Cells
Sidransky, Ellen
E. Sidransky, J. Nguyen, J. Walker, O. Goker-Alpan, H.I. Hurtig, J.Q. Trojanowski, B. Giasson
Glucocerebrosidase Mutations in Autopsy Samples from Subjects with Parkinsonian Syndromes
Sokolov, Mykyta
M.V. Sokolov, I.G. Panyutin, N.A. Smirnova, R.D. Camerini-Otero, R.D. Neumann
Probing Signaling Pathways Induced by I-125-Mediated DNA Double Strand Breaks: Lessons from the Genome-Wide Transcriptome Analysis in Human Cells
Staats, Brian
J. (NCI)
B. Staats, L. Qi, M. Beerman, H. Sicotte, B. R. Packer, S. J. Chanock, M. Yeager
Visualization of Valid Polymorphisms within the Human Genome
Stiles, David
D.A. Stiles, P.K. Tan, P.A. Henning, M.C. Cam
Alternative Splicing and its Possible Affects on Microarray Gene Expression Results
Tibriwal, Aruna
Rani (NCI)
A. Tibriwal, E. Mathe, M. Reimers, J. Weinstein
Quality Control of Affymetrix Chips By Use Of False-Color Images
Tuo, Jingsheng
J.Tuo, B. Smith, C.M. Bojanowski, A.D. Meleth, I. Gery, K. Csaky, E. Chew and C. Chan
The Involvement of Sequence Variation and Expression of CX3CR1 in the Pathogenesis of Age-related Macular Degeneration
Wanke, Kay
L. (NCI)
K.L. Wanke, E.M. Augustson, N.E. Caporaso, A.W. Bergen, D.N. Paltoo, T.A. Lehman, R. Modali, N. Chatterjee, J.M. Hayes, S.I. Malik, P.R. Taylor, D. Albanes
The Genetic Determinants of Smoking Cessation: An Analysis from the Alpha-Tocopherol Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention (ATBC) Study
Wasson, Katherine
K. Wasson, K.J. Helzlsouer, E.D. Cook
Ethical Issues in Direct-to-Consumer Online Genetic Testing
Weiss, George
H. (CIT)
J. Nolan, P. J. Munson, G.H. Weiss
Statistical Detection of Abnormal Gene Clustering
Wheeler, David
L. (NLM)
A. Gabrielian, V. Pham, M. Romiti, E. Sayers, D. Wheeler
Implementation of Pipelines for Genomic Analysis using the Entrez Programming Utilities
Yu, Qing
Q. Yu, Y. Shen, B. Chatterjee, B.H.Siegfried, L.Leatherbury, J.Rosenthal, J.F.Lucas, A. Wessels, C.F.Spurney, Y.J.Wu, M.L.Kirby, K. Svenson, and C.W. Lo
ENU Induced Mutations Causing Congenital Cardiovascular Anomalies
Imaging |
Bitter, Ingmar
R. M. Summers, I. Bitter, J. Yao, B. Wise, F. Tulloch, F. Garcia
CIPS: Clinical Image Processing Service
Budhani, Salima
S. Budhani, M. Nakic, D. Kosson, R.J.R. Blair
The Neural Substrates of Passive Avoidance Learning
Cai, Lisheng
L. Cai, D. Ye, V.W. Pike, J.-S. Liow, D. Tipre, M. Crescenzo, J. Hong, S.S. Zoghbi, D.C. Vines, K. Park, R. Cohen, M. Ichise and R.B. Innis
Synthesis And Evaluation of [11c]MeBrMPY in the Development of Radioligands for Beta-amyloid
Chen, Zhengguang
Z. Chen, A.C. Silva, J. Yang, and J.Shen
Elevated Endogenous GABA Level Correlates with Decreased fMRI Signals in the Rat Brain during Acute Inhibition of GABA-Transaminase
Chernomordik, Victor
V. Chernomordik, A. Sviridov, M. Hassan, A. Russo, A.Eidsath, P. Smith, and A.H. Gandjbakhche
Intensity Profiles of Linearly Polarized Light Backscattered From Skin and Tissue-Like Phantoms
Dimitriadis, Emilios
K. (OD)
E. J. Choi, E. K. Dimitriadis
Cytochrome c Adsorption to Supported, Anionic Lipid Bilayers in Low Ionic Conditions Studied via Atomic Force Microscopy
Dudko, Olga
K. (CIT)
O.K. Dudko, G.H. Weiss, V. Chernomordik, A.H. Gandjbakhche
Photon Migration in Turbid Media with Anisotropic Optical Properties
Gannot, Israel
I. Gannot, V. Chernomordik, A. Gandjbakhche
Functional Fluorescence Imaging with Exogenous Markers
Jin, Albert
J. (OD)
A.J. Jin, E.J. Choi, S.-L. Niu, P.D. Smith, B.J. Litman
Atomic Force Microscopy Studies of Rhodopsin (a G Protein-Coupled Receptor) Molecules in Vision Membranes
Knutson, Kris
K. Knutson, J. Wood, and J. Grafman
Brain Activation in Processing Temporal Sequence: an fMRI Study
Leatherbury, Linda
L Leatherbury, Q Yu, D Walker, J Rosenthal, B Siegfried, A Wessels, C Lo
Novel Gated High Frequency Echocardiography for Cardiovascular Phenotyping of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy in Mutagenized Mice
Lefman, Jonathan
J. Lefman, K. Chatterjee, S. Divi, R. Morrison, and S. Subramaniam
High-Throughput Tranmission Tlectron Microscopy Using a Multi-Specimen, Cartridge Loading Device
Link, Ben
B. Link, K. Csaky, W. Lim, M. Pillai, R. Nussenblatt, M. McAuliffe
IASO and Ophthalmology: Keeping an Eye on Age-Related Macular Degeneration and the Sunset Glow Fundus Phenomenon
McAuliffe, Matthew
J. (CIT)
M. McAuliffe, W. Gandler, D. Parsons, R. Cheng, E. McCreedy, B. Link, B. Trus
Biomedical Image Processing, Analysis, and Visualization
Peschardt, Karina
K.S. Peschardt, B. Smith, D.G.V. Mitchell, L. Pessoa, S. Busis, D. Fridberg, D. Sturman, C. Nelson, D. Charney, D. Pine, L.G. Ungerleider, R.J.R. Blair
Modulation of Cognition by Emotion and Cognition by Emotion: An Event-Related fMRI Study
Ravasi, Laura
L Ravasi, J Tokugawa, K Schmidt, T Nakayama, J Seidel, MV Green, L Sokoloff, WC Eckelman
Distribution Ratio of [18F]FP-TZTP, A M2 Muscarinic Subtype Selective Radioligand, Measured by Bolus and Infusion Methods in Awake and Anesthetized Rats
Shen, Yuan
Y.Shen, Q.YU, L.Leatherbury, J.Rosenthal, A.Wessels, K.Svenson, and C.W. Lo
Scan Approach in Mouse Fetal Echocardiography : a Practice in Large-scale Screening Cardiovascular Defects in ENU Mutagenized Mice
Svarovsky, Serge
S.A. Svarovsky, J.J. Barchi, Jr.
Glyconanotechnology: Novel Multivalent Beacons to Unravel the Glycan and Glycopeptide-mediated Cellular Events
Walling, Brent
B.E. Walling, J. Munasinghe, D. Schimel, D. Berrigan, J.C. Barrett, R.M. Simpson
Longitudinal Analysis of Changes in Obesity using Non-Invasive Chemical-Shift Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Zhang, Zhan
Z. Zhang, K. R. Hoffmann, A. Walczak, M.J. Ackerman
Index-Check-and-Correct Method for Surface Mapping and Its Application in Virtual Colonography
Interfacing the Physical and Life Sciences |
Kim, Joonyeong
J. Kim, J. D. Batteas, J.G. Forbes, and K. Wang
Fabrication and Characterization of Nanopatterned Protein Arrays
Fabrication and Characterization of Nanopatterned Protein Arrays by Scanning Probe Techniques
Krogmeier, Jeff
J.R. Krogmeier, M.R. Emmert-Buck, and J. Hwang
Probing the Optical Properties of Single Water Soluble Quantum Dots
Taboas, Juan
J.M. Taboas, R.S. Tuan, S.D. Hudson
Development of a Tissue Engineered Model of Skeletogenesis and Disease
White, James
J. White, A. Slocum, M. Tarlov and P. Smith
Development of the Nanogate as a High-Precision Transfer Standard
Zabow, Gary
G. Zabow, E. Shapiro, A. Koretsky and J. Moreland
Magnetic resonance imaging of sub-voxel magnetic micro-particles for in-vivo biological cell-labeling and tracking
Physiology |
Jalickee, Stephen
Robert (NEI)
S. Jalickee, T. Banzon, S. Trapathi, S.S. Miller
Osmotic and Hydrostatic Hydraulic Conductivities (Lp) Unraveled in Bovine Retinal Pigment Epithelium (BRPE) and Bruch’s Membrane-Choroid Complex: Implications for Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) and Cell Physiology
Lin, Yuhong
YH Lin, AR Llanos, RJ Pawlosky, P Mena, R Uauy, N Salem, Jr.
Comparison Of 22:6n3 Biosynthesis from 18:3n3 Or 20:5n3 in Term Neonates Using Compartmental Kinetic Analysis
Maminishkis, Arvydas
A. Maminishkis, S. Chen, S. Jalickee, T. Banzon, T. Ehalt, F. Wang, S. Miller
Fetal Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cell Cultures: Physiology and Fluid Transport
Research Support Services |
Balakrishnan, Krishna
K. Balakrishnan, E. Ray, Y. Zhang, S. Ferguson, M. Rohrbaugh
Science, Ideas and Breakthroughs: The Fruits of NIH Technology Transfer
Bungay, Peter
M. (OD)
P.M. Bungay, W. Isele, E. Fox and F.M. Balis, R.A. Gonzales, P. Newton-Vinson, J.B. Justice, Jr., P.A. Garris
Towards More Inclusive Mathematical Models for Microdialysis
Chedester, Alan
A.L. Chedester*, S. Shin**, T. Thomas***, J. Shen*
Complications Following Equithesin (Choral hydrate) Anesthesia in Rats
Cheung, Huey
H. Cheung, A. Wang, B. Upender, A Frazin, S. Chintala, F. Pecjak, M. Kellogg, R.L. Martino, C. Johnson, Y. Fann, R. Lingam, G. Wang
A Web-based Protocol Tracking Management System for Clinical Research
Golaszewski, Donald
H. (OD)
D. Golaszewski
Common Signage Used By the NIH Division of Occupational Health and Safety
Harbinger, Bonny
P. Lake and B. Harbinger
CRADAs: Research Collaborations Between NIH and Industry
Heiskanen, Mervi
A. (NCI)
M. Heiskanen, S. Dubman, S. Gustafson, J. Lorenz, S. Muju, C. Dickerson, B. Neuberger, H. Sahni, P. Tran, S. Madhavan, H. Johnson, S. Settnek, K. Buetow
Cancer Microarray Informatics (caArray) Data Management and Analysis Tools at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Center for Bioinformatics
Kalyan, Dev
Nathan (OD)
D. Kalyan, L. Abbott, R. Wesley, A. Wichman, A. Sandler
Protecting Human Subjects in the NIH Intramural Research Program: An Instrument to Evaluate IRB Performance in Convened Meetings
Leland, Theresa
A. (OD)
T. Leland
Implementing an Environmental Management Systems at the NIH
Miller, Georgina
Farnsworth (OD)
G.F. Miller, M.A. Eckhaus, L.R. Brinster, M.F. Starost, M.A. Bryant
DVR’s Service for Pathologic Phenotype Analysis of Genetically Engineered Mice
Morton, Larry
L. Morton
CRISP-Computer Retrieval of Information on Scientific Projects
Rall, William
F (OD)
W.F. Rall, P.M. Schmidt, C.T. Hansen, S.S. Brown, R.H. Hines
Cryopreservation and Banking of Embryos and Spermatozoa from Laboratory Mice, Rats, and Rabbit Models
Ring, Michael
M.Ring, B. Niles, T. Wakefield, A.Kirk, D.Harlan
List-based Retrieval - A Simple, Intuitive Computer Interface for the Retrieval of Hierarchical Laboratory Data
Roberts, Jada
M. Lenardo, R. Edwards
NIH Shared Resources Database Web Site
Sadowski, David
Robert (OD)
D.R. Sadowski
Avoiding the Avalanche: Using Records Management Techniques To Improve Workflow In Technology Transfer Offices
Schaupp, Christopher
C. Schaupp, G. Jiang, T. Myers, M. Wilson
Active Mixing During DNA Microarray Hybridization Improves Sensitivity, Specificity and Accuracy
Smith, Paul
D. (OD)
P.D. Smith, H.S. Eden, M.S. Lewis, R.J. Lutz, T.M. Phillips, P.W. Schuck, R.D. Leapman
ORS Division of Bioengineering and Physical Science: Collaborative Research Resources for the NIH Intramural Research Program
Tate, Gregory
A. (OD)
G.A. Tate, D.J. Wilson, K.R. Johnstone
Proper Storage and Segregation of Chemicals in the Laboratory
Wang, Alex
A. Wang, Y. Fann, H. Cheung, F. Pecjak, B. Upender, A. Frazin, R. Lingam, S. Chintala, G. Wang, M. Kellogg, R.L. Martino, and C.A. Johnson
Performance of Using Oracle XMLDB in The Evaluation of CDISC ODM for a Clinical Study Informatics System
Weed, James
L. (OD)
R.C. O'Malley, E.K. Hutchinson & J.L. Weed
Successful Social Housing for Non-Human Primates in DVR Facilities: A Quantitative Analysis
Wood, Fred
F. Wood
Evaluating Our Web Presence: A Practical Framework for NIH Web Site Evaluation
Zuckerman, Judith
J.A. Zuckerman, L.A. McNay, J.A. Tavel
A Model for Clinical Research Support: The NIAID Regulatory Compliance and Human Subjects Protections Branch (RCHSPB)
Structural Biology |
Baxa, Ulrich
U. Baxa, P. D. Ross, A. V. Kajava, N. Cheng, D. C. Winkler, A. Bax, R. B. Wickner, A. C. Steven
Structure of Ure2p Prion Filamens
Buchete, Nicolae-Viorel
N.-V. Buchete, R. Tycko, G. Hummer
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Alzheimer's Beta-Amyloid Fibril Models
Dhume, Ashwini
A. Dhume, R. Horowits
N-RAP Knockdown Disrupts Myofibrils in Striated Muscle
Forbes, Jeffrey
J. G. Forbes, V. Yadavalli, K. Wang
Elasticity of Muscle Proteins
Hierro, Aitor
A. Hierro, A. Rusnak, J. Sun, J. Kim, G. Prag, S.D. Emr and J.H. Hurley.
Structure of the ESCRT-II Endosomal Trafficking Complex
Hirai, Teruhisa
T. Hirai, J.A.W. Heymann, D. Shi, S. Subramaniam
Comparative Structural Analysis of the "Symmetric", Substrate-Bound State of the Oxalate Transporter OxlT with the "Cytoplasmically-Open" State of the MFS Transporters GlpT and LacY
Jeong, Jinsook
J.Jeong, T.A.Rouault, and R.L.Levine
Iron Regulatory Protein 2 (IRP2) is a Heme Sensor
Jia, Yiping
Yiping Jia, Robert A. Boykins, and Abdu I. Alayash
Functional and Structural Characterization of O-R-polyHbA0 -an Oxygen Carrying Blood Substitute
Kim, Joonyeong
J. Kim, J. D. Batteas, J. G. Forbes, and K. Wang
Fabrication and Characterization of Nanopatterned Protein arrays by Scanning Probe Techniques
Leapman, Richard
David (OD)
R.D. Leapman, E. Kocsis, G. Zhang, T.L. Talbot
Three-Dimensional Distributions of Subcellular Phosphorus by Electron Spectroscopic Tomography
Ma, Kan
K. Ma and K. Wang
Titin as a Giant Signaling Molecule in the SH3 Domain-Mediated Signaling Pathways
Negin, Russell
Scott (CBER)
R. S. Negin; D. I. Freedberg
Accurate Sugar Geometry for Use in Structural Glycobiology
Olumee-Shabon, Zohra
Z. Olumee-Shabon and H-Y Kim
Probing Ras Protein Conformation by Mass Spectrometry
Oyler, Nathan
Andrew (NIDDK)
N. Oyler, R. Tycko
NMR of Surface Adsorbed beta-Amyloid Fibrils
Paravastu, Anant
Krishna (NIDDK)
A.K. Paravastu, A.T. Petkova, R. Tycko
Solid State NMR Investigation of Structural Order and Polymorphism in Fibrils of the Alzheimer’s beta-Amyloid Peptide without the N-terminal Residues
Peter-Tittelbach, Christine
C. Peter and G. Hummer
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Model Membranes - Electrostatic Properties and Ion Transport
Petkova, Aneta
A. Petkova, R. Leapman, Z. Guo, W.-M. Yau, M. Mattson, and R. Tycko
Structural Investigations of Molecular-Level Polymorphism in Alzheimer’s Beta-Amyloid Fibrils by Solid State NMR
Sam, Vichetra
Keth (CIT)
V. SAM, C.E. Tai, J. Garnier, J. Gibrat, B. Lee, P.J. Munson
Comparison of Protein Structural Alignment Methods, VAST and SHEBA, with the SCOP Classification, Using Statistical Methods
Schwieters, Charles
D. (CIT)
Charles D. Schwieters, G. Marius Clore and John J. Kuszewski
Software Tools for Biomolecular NMR Structure Determination
Sharpe, Simon
S. Sharpe, W-M. Yau and R. Tycko
MAS NMR Studies of the Transmembrane Domain of HIV-1 Vpu in Lipid Bilayers: Sample Optimization and Local Structure
Steinbach, Peter
J. (CIT)
P. Steinbach
Peptide Structure Prediction: Global Optimization of Implicit-Water Energy Functions
Tsai, Chung-Jung
C.J. Tsai, H.H. Tsai, and R. Nussinov
Locating Global Minima of Water Clusters (H2O)n (n <= 36) with Parallel Tempering Molecular Dynamics and H-bond Orientations Enumeration
Xu, Sengen
S. Xu, J. Gu and L. Yu
Structural Basis of Action on Myosin of Three Myosin ATPase Inhibitors
Yeh, In-Chul
I.-C. Yeh, G. Hummer
Nucleic Acid Transport Through Carbon Nanotube Membranes
Yeliseev, Alexei
A.A. Yeliseev, K. Wong and K. Gawrisch
Expression, Purification and Reconstitution of the Peripheral Cannabinoid Receptor for Structural Studies
Zou, Zhongcheng
Z. Zou and P.D. Sun
A Novel Method for Easy Preparation of Large Quantities of Recombinant Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1
Sensory Systems |
Raz, Dorit
D. Raz-Prag, S. Machida, R.N. Fariss, C. Vijayasarathy, R.A. Bush, P.A. Sieving
Origins of the Photopic Negative Response in Rat Retinal Degeneration Models
Technology |
Chen, Amy
A. Chen, J. Farley, L. Garrett-Beal
Successful and Efficient Cryopreservation of Sperm from C57Bl6/J and Other Transgenic Mouse Strains
Haggerty, Cynthia
Myers (NCI)
C.M. Haggerty, W.J. Freebern, D. Ponciano-Jackson, I. Montano, I. Collins, A. DeSiervi, K. Gardner
Profiling of Transcriptional Targets
Henry, Alyssa
C. (OD)
A.C. Henry, N.Y. Morgan, E.J. Choi, C.M. McCullough, S. Kacker, E.B. Brokaw, P.D. Smith
Novel Microfluidic Developments for Biomedical Research Applications
Kasala, Hema
P.A. Henning, D. A. Stiles, D. Wheeler., G. Wang, H. Kasala., T.Y. Chu, P. K. Tan, M. D. Wang, M. C. Cam
ChipQC: A Visualization Tool for Removal of Systematic Error and Artifacts in Microarrays
Lewis, Marc
S. (OD)
M. Lewis and M. Reily
Application of Weighted Robust Regression to Equilibrium Ultacentrifugal Analysis
Luo, Shen
S. Luo and R.L. Levine
Fast and Sensitive Quantification of Protein Using Coomassie Infrared Fluorescence
Michelman-Ribeiro, Ariel
A. Michelman-Ribeiro, H. Boukari, F. Horkay, R. Nossal
Cross-Linking Slows Probe Diffusion within Polymer Gels
Morgan, Nicole
Y. (OD)
N.Y. Morgan, A.C. Henry, T.M. Phillips, T.J. Pohida, P.D. Smith, M. Gaitan, L. Locascio
Fabrication of a MIcrofluidic Flow-Through Immunoassay for Simultaneous Detection of Multiple Proteins
Pan, Percy
S (OD)
P.S. Pan, G. Keller, S. Ferguson, D. Schmickel, H. Feindt
Monitoring and Enforcement of License Provisions
Salicrup, Luis
A. (OD)
L. A. Salicrup and M.L. Rohrbaugh
Partnerships in Technology Transfer--an Innovative Program to Move Biomedical Research from the Laboratory to Worldwide Practical Application
Schuck, Peter
J. Svitel and P. Schuck
Combined Affinity and Rate Constant Distributions of Heterogeneous Ligand Populations from Experimental Surface-Binding Kinetics and Equilibria
Van, Que
Q.N. Van, J.W. Koscielniak, J.R. Klose, G.N. Chmurny, and T.D. Veenstra
NMR Techniques: Applications for the Biomedical Research Community
Pushparaj, Veena
V.F.Pushparaj,M.Griffith,T.Stitely, O.M.Rennert, W.Y.Chan
Bioinformatics Platform for Disease Gene Prediction
Gorshkova, Inna
I. (OD)
I.I. Gorshkova, S.A. Gaidamakov, S. Le Grice, J.A. Beutler, J.B. McMahon, M.A. Parniak, P. Schuck, R.J. Crouch
Small Molecules Inhibition of RNase H1/I Activity in vitro Studied by Surface Plasmon Resonance