Research Support Services |
Balakrishnan, Krishna
K. Balakrishnan, E. Ray, Y. Zhang, S. Ferguson, M. Rohrbaugh
Science, Ideas and Breakthroughs: The Fruits of NIH Technology Transfer
Bungay, Peter
M. (OD)
P.M. Bungay, W. Isele, E. Fox and F.M. Balis, R.A. Gonzales, P. Newton-Vinson, J.B. Justice, Jr., P.A. Garris
Towards More Inclusive Mathematical Models for Microdialysis
Chedester, Alan
A.L. Chedester*, S. Shin**, T. Thomas***, J. Shen*
Complications Following Equithesin (Choral hydrate) Anesthesia in Rats
Cheung, Huey
H. Cheung, A. Wang, B. Upender, A Frazin, S. Chintala, F. Pecjak, M. Kellogg, R.L. Martino, C. Johnson, Y. Fann, R. Lingam, G. Wang
A Web-based Protocol Tracking Management System for Clinical Research
Golaszewski, Donald
H. (OD)
D. Golaszewski
Common Signage Used By the NIH Division of Occupational Health and Safety
Harbinger, Bonny
P. Lake and B. Harbinger
CRADAs: Research Collaborations Between NIH and Industry
Heiskanen, Mervi
A. (NCI)
M. Heiskanen, S. Dubman, S. Gustafson, J. Lorenz, S. Muju, C. Dickerson, B. Neuberger, H. Sahni, P. Tran, S. Madhavan, H. Johnson, S. Settnek, K. Buetow
Cancer Microarray Informatics (caArray) Data Management and Analysis Tools at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Center for Bioinformatics
Kalyan, Dev
Nathan (OD)
D. Kalyan, L. Abbott, R. Wesley, A. Wichman, A. Sandler
Protecting Human Subjects in the NIH Intramural Research Program: An Instrument to Evaluate IRB Performance in Convened Meetings
Leland, Theresa
A. (OD)
T. Leland
Implementing an Environmental Management Systems at the NIH
Miller, Georgina
Farnsworth (OD)
G.F. Miller, M.A. Eckhaus, L.R. Brinster, M.F. Starost, M.A. Bryant
DVR’s Service for Pathologic Phenotype Analysis of Genetically Engineered Mice
Morton, Larry
L. Morton
CRISP-Computer Retrieval of Information on Scientific Projects
Rall, William
F (OD)
W.F. Rall, P.M. Schmidt, C.T. Hansen, S.S. Brown, R.H. Hines
Cryopreservation and Banking of Embryos and Spermatozoa from Laboratory Mice, Rats, and Rabbit Models
Ring, Michael
M.Ring, B. Niles, T. Wakefield, A.Kirk, D.Harlan
List-based Retrieval - A Simple, Intuitive Computer Interface for the Retrieval of Hierarchical Laboratory Data
Roberts, Jada
M. Lenardo, R. Edwards
NIH Shared Resources Database Web Site
Sadowski, David
Robert (OD)
D.R. Sadowski
Avoiding the Avalanche: Using Records Management Techniques To Improve Workflow In Technology Transfer Offices
Schaupp, Christopher
C. Schaupp, G. Jiang, T. Myers, M. Wilson
Active Mixing During DNA Microarray Hybridization Improves Sensitivity, Specificity and Accuracy
Smith, Paul
D. (OD)
P.D. Smith, H.S. Eden, M.S. Lewis, R.J. Lutz, T.M. Phillips, P.W. Schuck, R.D. Leapman
ORS Division of Bioengineering and Physical Science: Collaborative Research Resources for the NIH Intramural Research Program
Tate, Gregory
A. (OD)
G.A. Tate, D.J. Wilson, K.R. Johnstone
Proper Storage and Segregation of Chemicals in the Laboratory
Wang, Alex
A. Wang, Y. Fann, H. Cheung, F. Pecjak, B. Upender, A. Frazin, R. Lingam, S. Chintala, G. Wang, M. Kellogg, R.L. Martino, and C.A. Johnson
Performance of Using Oracle XMLDB in The Evaluation of CDISC ODM for a Clinical Study Informatics System
Weed, James
L. (OD)
R.C. O'Malley, E.K. Hutchinson & J.L. Weed
Successful Social Housing for Non-Human Primates in DVR Facilities: A Quantitative Analysis
Wood, Fred
F. Wood
Evaluating Our Web Presence: A Practical Framework for NIH Web Site Evaluation
Zuckerman, Judith
J.A. Zuckerman, L.A. McNay, J.A. Tavel
A Model for Clinical Research Support: The NIAID Regulatory Compliance and Human Subjects Protections Branch (RCHSPB)