Proteomics |
Beck, George
R. (NCI)
G. R. Beck Jr., K. A. Conrads, K. A. Simpson, L-R. Yu, B. L. Hood, D. A. Lucas, K. C. Chan, M. Yi, R. Stephens, D. Hise, C. F. Schaefer, H. J. Issaq, T. D. Veenstra, and T. P. Conrads
Quantitative Proteomic Analysis of Inorganic Phosphate-induced Murine Osteoblasts
Bekisz, Joseph
J.B.Bekisz, J.Hernandez, B.Hood, D.A.Lucas, T.P.Conrads, T.D. Veenstra and K.C. Zoon
Proteomic Analysis of Interferon-Treated Daudi Cells; Using Isotope-Coded Affinity Tags (ICAT) Methodology
Blonder, Josip
J. Blonder, M.L. Hale, D.A. Lucas, L.R. Yu, T.P. Conrads, H.J. Issaq, B.G. Stiles, T.D. Veenstra
Proteomic Characterization of Detergent-resistant Membrane Microdomains using Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Chan, King
C. (NCI)
K. C. Chan, D. A. Lucas, D. Hise, C. F. Schaefer, Z. Xiao, G. M. Janini, K. H. Buetow, H. J. Issaq, T. D. Veenstra and Thomas P. Conrads
Global Proteomic Analysis of Human Serum
Connolly, Joanne
JB Connolly; JA Kowalak; R Nussbaum; SP Markey
Relative Quantification for Protein Expression Profiling: Isotopic Labeling Using Differential Esterification
Conrads, Thomas
P. (NCI)
T.P. Conrads, M.M. Darfler, T.D. Veenstra, and D.B. Krizman
Quantitative Proteomic Profiling of Formalin Fixed Tissue by LC-MS/MS
Crowder, Chun
C. Crowder, S. Hoover, B. Walling, V. Espina, S. Nishizuka, E. F. Petricoin III, L. A. Liotta, and R. A. Simpson
Mouse Reverse-phase Protein Array
Culp, William
David (NEI)
W.D. Culp, R. Neal, R.D. Massey, P. Pisa, D. Garland
Proteomic Analysis of Mouse Melanoma Tumor Progression
Gucek, Marjan
M. Gucek, J.A. Kowalak, S.P. Markey
Evaluation of 18-O Labeling for Quantitative Proteomics Using Electrospray Ionization with Different Mass Analyzers
Hoehn, Gerard
Thomas (CC)
J. Azok, G. Hoehn, V. Wright, H. Yu, P. Hammer, G. Alexe, S. Guccione, K. Li, and A. Baird
Protein Expression Profiling of Plasma Separates Stroke Patients from Sex and Age-Matched Controls: Implications for Discovery of Novel Biomarkers for Stroke
Hood, Brian
L. (NCI)
B.L. Hood, T.P. Conrads, K.C. Chan, D.A. Lucas, D. Hise, C.F. Schaefer, Z. Xiao, G.M. Janini, K.H. Buetow, H.J. Issaq, T.D. Veenstra
Global Proteomic Analysis of Mouse Serum
Huang, Bill
B. Huang and H-Y Kim
Probing the Conformational Changes of Human Serum Albumin due to Unsaturated Fatty Acid Binding by Chemical Cross-Linking and Mass Spectrometry
Lemkin, Peter
F. (NCI)
P.F. Lemkin, G.C. Thornwall
The Open2Dprot Project for n-Dimensional Protein Expression Data Analysis
Li, Tianwei
T. Li, E. Evdokimov, R.F. Shen, D.C.H. Yang, P.B. Chock
Proteomic Approaches for Identifying SUMO Target Proteins
Maynard, Dawn
D.M. Maynard, J. Masuda, X. Yang, J.A. Kowalak, S.P. Markey
Characterizing Complex Peptide Mixtures Using a Multi-dimensional LC-MS System: S. cerevisiae as a Model System
Morita, Daisaku
D. Morita, S. Nishizuka, S. Major, F. Washburn, D. Asin, L. Young, W. Reinhold, P. Munson, S. Hewitt, M. Raffeld, E. F. Petricoin III, L. A. Liotta, J. N. Weinstein
Quantitative Protein Expression Profiling of the NCI-60 Cancer Cell Lines Using "Reverse Phase" Protein Lysate Microarrays
Nishizuka, Satoshi
S. Nishizuka, S. Major, D. Kane, D. Morita, R. Rowland, U. Shankavaram, F. Washburn, D. Asin, M. Sunshine, H. Cao, S. Narasimhan, H. Kouros-Mehr, J. Weinstein
AbMiner: A Relational Database of Available Antibodies and their Corresponding Genomics Annotations
Rodriguez-Galan, Maria
M.C. Rodriguez-Galan, J. Blonder, K.C. Chan, A.D. Lucas, C.F. Schaefer, L.R. Yu, T.P. Conrads, H.J. Issaq, H.A. Young, and T.D. Veenstra
A Solution-based Method for Multidimensional Analysis of Membrane Proteins
Shi, Ying
Y. Shi, L. Chen, H. Wan, L. Liotta, G. P. Rodgers
A Proteomic Platform to Evaluate the Myeloid Leukemias
Shoji, Jun
J. Shoji, F. Leonessa, S.M. Ling
Serum Biomarkers in Animal Models of Arthritis and Physical Inactivity: A Proteomic Approach
Suh, Soo-Kyung
S-K Suh, B.L. Hood, B-J Kim, T.P. Conrads, T.D. Veenstra, and B.J. Song
Identification of Oxidized Mitochondrial Proteins in Alcohol-Exposed Human Hepatoma Cells and Mouse Liver
Xiao, Zhen
Z. Xiao, B. T. Luke, T. D. Veenstra, T. P. Conrads, M. Smith, P. Greenwald, J. W. McLarty, I. U. Ali
Analysis of Lung Cancer Biomarkers in Plasma by SELDI Proteomic Profiling
Yang, Xiaoyu
X. Yang, S. P. Markey, V. Dondeti, R. Dezube, D. M. Maynard, L. Y. Geer, J. Epstein, J. A. Kowalak
Improved DBParser Software for Shotgun Proteome Analyses of LC/MS/MS Data
Zhou, Ming
M. Zhou, D.A. Lucas, K.C. Chan, H.J. Issaq, E.F. Petricoin, L.A. Liotta, T.D. Veenstra, T.P. Conrads
Identifications of Proteins Associated with Albumin and Other High Abundant Species in Human Serum