Neurobiology and Behavior |
Chen, Zhi-Yong
Z.Y. Chen, J. Prchal and C. Noguchi
Erythropoietin Facilitates Neural Stem Cell Proliferation and Learning Ability
Kielaite, Aiste
F.Bibbiani, T.N Chase
Effect of the Simultaneous Blockade of AMPA and NMDA Receptors on Levodopa-Induced Dyskinesias in MPTP-Lesioned Primates
Lu, Lin
L. Lu*, B. Hope, J. Dempsey, S.Y. Liu, J.M. Bossert and Y. Shaham
A Role of Central Amygdala ERK-MAPK Pathway in Incubation of Cocaine Craving
Nakic, Marina
M. Nakic, B.W. Smith, S. Busis, J. Blair
The Neural Responses to Emotional Words as a Function of their Frequency: An Event Related fMRI Design
Newman, John
J.D. Newman, M.L. Becker, D.E. Bernhards, S. Kose, J.P. Lorberbaum, M.V. Rakhovskaya
The Neurobiology of Crying
Pajevic, Sinisa
S. Pajevic, D. Plenz
Topology of Cortical Networks Derived from Neuronal Avalanche Dynamics
Rakhovskaya, Maria
M.V. Rakhovskaya, M.L. Becker, D. Bernhards, J.D. Newman
Development of Vocalizations in Infant Common Marmosets (Callithrix Jacchus) as a Model for Age-Related Changes in the Human Cry and Babbling
Ren-Patterson, Renee
R. F. Ren-Patterson, L. W. Cocrhran, A. Holmes, S. Sherrill, S-J. Huang, T. Tolliver, K-P Lesch, B. Lu, D. L. Murphy
Role of SERT / BDNF Gene Interactions in Exacerbating Brain Monoamine Deficiencies and Increasing Stress Abnormalities in a Double-mutant Mouse Model
Sergo, Peter
P. Sergo, M. Gluck, C. Myers, R. Saunders, L. Malkova, M. Mishkin
The Hippocampus and the Separation in Memory of Relevant and Irrelevant Cues
Takada, Yuichiro
Y. Takada, R.N. Fariss, A. Tanikawa, Y. Zeng, D. Carper, R.A. Bush, P.A. Sieving
Spatial-Temporal Wave of Retinoschisin Expression During Retinal Development
Wu, Yun-Ping
Y-P. Wu and R.L. Proia
Deletion of Macrophage-Inflammatory Protein-1Alpha Retards Neurodegeneration in Sandhoff Disease Mice
Zhang, Peijun
P. Zhang, J. Juliani, J. Lefman, W. Land, S. Smith, S. Lee, D. Germain, M. Kessel, R. Leapman, T. Rouault, S. Subramaniam
Three-dimensional Electron Microscopic Analysis of Altered Ferritin Distribution in Degenerating Mouse Brain Axons