Molecular Biology |
Carlson, Bradley
B.A. Carlson, X.-M. Xu, G.V. Kryukov, M. Rao, M.J. Berry, V.N. Gladyshev and D.L. Hatfield
Identification and Characterization of Phosphoseryl-tRNA[Ser]Sec Kinase
Ciccone, Carla
C. Ciccone, S.E. Sparks, M. Lalor, E. Orvisky, D. Krasnewich, M-S Sun, M. Dalakas, W.A. Gahl, M. Huizing
GNE Enzyme Activity in Hereditary Inclusion Body Myopathy
Datta, Kamal
K. Datta, M. Weinfeld, R. Neumann, T. Winters
Identification of Unexpected End Group Structures at Radiation-Induced DNA Double-Strand Breaks Resulting from Targeted 125I Decay
Dyer, Kimberly
Dawn (NIAID)
K.D. Dyer, H.F. Rosenberg
The Polycistronic Mouse RNase 4 and Angiogenin Genes Utilizes Dual Promoters for Tissue Specific Transcript Expression
Gottlieb, Emily
E. Gottlieb, C. Ciccone, D. Darvish, S. Naiem, P. Savelkoul, D. Krasnewich, W. Gahl, M. Huizing
Correlation Between the Age of Onset/Severity of Hereditary Inclusion Body Myopathy and Polymorphisms Within the Dystroglycan Gene
Hoover, Shelley
Burns (NCI)
S.B. Hoover, B.J. Davis, J.S. Wiest, M.J. DeLong, L.M. Bennett, C. Crowder, B.E. Walling, J.C. Barrett, R.M. Simpson
A National Cancer Institute Center for Cancer Research (NCI CCR) Comparative Molecular Pathology Research Training Initiative Is Successfully Launched.
Hwang, Meeyul
M. Hwang, O. Kalinin, M.I. Morasso
Role of the Ca-Binding Protein Scarf, During Epidermal Differentiation
Lisinski, Ivonne
I. Lisinski, H. Matsumoto, S.W. Cushman, H. Al-Hasani
Identification and Characterisation of a Novel GLUT4-binding Protein (p49)
Liu, Su-Ting
S. Liu, S. Richards, A.Majumdar, M.R.Alam, K.A. Shahid, L. Brunner, J. Liu, M.M. Seidman
Pathway Options for Mutagenesis of a Targeted Genomic Crosslink in Mammalian Cells
Lyakhov, Ilya
G. (NCI)
I.G. Lyakhov, Z. Chen, T.D. Schneider
A Novel Bacteriophage Lambda Cro Responsive Element in the oop RNA Promoter
Maxhimer, Justin
J.B. Maxhimer, M.F. Ziauddin, R.M.Reddy, Z. Zuo, G.W. Cole Jr, D.S. Schrump, D.M. Nguyen
Profound Induction of Apoptosis of Lung and Esophageral Cancer Cells by the Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor Trichostatin A/Protein Kinase C Inhibitor Calphostin C Combination.
Panyutin, Irina
V. (CC)
I.V. Panyutin, O.A. Sedelnikova, W.M. Bonner, I.G. Panyutin, and R.D. Neumann
DNA Damage Produced by 125I-Triplex Forming Oligonucleotides in Cells
Petukhova, Galina
G.V. Petukhova, R. Pezza, F. Vanevski, M. I. Pigozzi, M-C Gauthier, J-Y Masson and R. Daniel Camerini-Otero
The Role of the Mouse Hop2 Protein in Meiotic Recombination
Ross, Eric
E. Ross, U. Baxa, R. Wickner
Scrambled Prion Domains Form Prions and Amyloid
Rubinstein, Yaffa
Reuveni (NCI)
Y. R. Rubinstein, Y. Postnikov, J. Lim Y, S. Lee, Y. Birger, K. West, P. Nguyen, T. Furusawa, F. Catez, J. Trepel and M. Bustin
HMGN1 Down Regulates N-Cadherin and Beta-Catenin Expression During Early Mouse Development
Skibinsky, Anna
A. Skibinsky, R. Venable, R. W. Pastor
Search for Trehalose's Function in Lipid Bilayers
Smirnova, Natalya
N.A. Smirnova, P.J. Romanienko, P.P. Khil and R.D. Camerini-Otero
The Gene Expression Profiling in Spo11-/- Mice Testes
Song, Youtao
Y. Song, Y. Wu, E. Eisenburg, L. Greene, G. Jung, and D.C. Masison
Hyperaggregation of Yeast [PSI+] Prion Protein Determinant in Hsp70 Mutant c=Cells
Voloshin, Oleg
O. Voloshin, F. Vanevski, P. Khil and R.D. Camerini-Otero
Characterization of the DNA Damage-Inducible Helicase DinG from Escherichia coli
Xie, Ling
L. Xie, G. Gutierrez-Cruz and K. Wang
Genes, Splice Variants and Cellular Distribution of Xin, a Family of Functional Proteins Implicated in Myofibrillogenesis and Heart Looping
Yang, Xuezhong
X. Yang, L. Stapleton, V. Bliskovsky, G. Rajpal, K.J. Cullion, B. Mock, T. Ried, C.J. Thiele
Loss of hCas Function, a Novel Neuroblastoma Differentiation Related Gene, via LOH at Chromosome 1p36.22 and Functional Silencing by N-myc
Zeng, Yong
Y.Zeng, Y.Takada, S.Kjellstrom, K.Hiriyanna, A.Tanikawa, E.Wawrousek, N.Smaoui, R.Caruso, R.A.Bush, P.A.Sieving
Delivery of AAV-RS Vector into the Retinal Space of RS Deficit Mouse Improves the Retinal Synaptic Function