Cell Biology |
Bellani, Marina
M. Bellani, P.J. Romanienko, D. Cairatti and R.D. Camerini-Otero
S/TQ Kinases [ ATM, ATR and DNA-PKcs ] and Their Role in the Phosphorylation of H2AX During Meiotic Prophase I in Mouse Spermatogenesis
Berens, Werner
F. (NCI)
W. Berens, H. Ando, S. Aradhya, F. Rouzaud, Y. Yamaguchi, E.V. Sviderskaya, D.C. Bennett, G.S. Barsh, L. He, S Ito, K. Wakamatsu, and V.J. Hearing
Ubiquitin-Proteasome Pathway – Is Mouse Mahoganoid Involved in Tyrosinase Degradation?
Di Noto, Luca
L. Di Noto, L. Whitson, P.J. Hart, R.L. Levine
Susceptibility of Mutant Superoxide Dismutase to Degradation by the Proteasome Correlates with the Clinical Severity of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Fei, Wang
F.E. Wang, G.Shi, M.R. Niesman, D.A. Rewolinski, S.S. Miller
AG13764 and AG13711 Reverses VEGF-Induced Choroidal Neovascularization in Rat Eye
Ferguson, Matthew
M. Ferguson, H. Boukari, D. Sackett, R. Nossal
Solution Conformations of Clathrin Triskelions
Hung, Guo-Chiuan
G.-C. Hung, S. Chung, D.C. Masison
Mutations in Hsp104 Chaperone Restore [PSI+] Prion Propagation Defect in Hsp70 Mutant Strains
Hunt, Desmond
Gerard (NIDDK)
D. G. Hunt, X. Chen, M. Santos, N. Tserentsoodol, R. Neese, M. Hellerstein, and S.W. Cushman
Increased Adipose Cell Turnover is Associate With Increased Insulin Sensitivity in The fa/fa Obese Zucker Rat
Isenberg, Jeffrey
Scott (NCI)
J.S. Isenberg, M.J. Calzada, L. Zhou, N. Guo, J. Lawler, and D.D. Roberts
Thrombospondin-1 is Not Necessary for Proliferation but Contributes to Motility of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells
Janvier, Katy
K. Janvier, J. S. Bonifacino
Role of the Endocytic Machinery in the Sorting of Lysosome-associated Membrane Proteins (Lamps)
Jin, Wook
W. Jin, B.C. Kim, SJ Kim
ETV6-NTRK3 Gene Fusion Suppresses TGF- Signaling: the Possible Mechanism of ETV6-NTRK3-induced Tumorigenesis
Kino, Tomoshige
T. Kino, T. Ichijo, A. Tiulpakov and G.P. Chrousos
GTP-binding Protein b (GNB) Binds the Glucocorticoid Receptor and Directly Suppresses its Transcriptional Activity in the Nucleus
Kovacs, Mihaly
M. Kovacs, F. Wang, J. Sellers
Unique Mechanism of Action of Myosin-X, a Membrane Motor
Li, Wan-Ju
W.J. Li, R.L. Mauck, J. Cooper, R.S. Tuan
Engineering Anisotropy in Electrospun Biodegradable Nanofibrous Scaffolds for Musculoskeletal Tissue Engineering
Mauck, Robert
Leon (NIAMS)
R. L. Mauck, J. X. Yuan, R. S. Tuan
Functional Properties of MSC-laden Hydrogels for Articular Cartilage Tissue Engineering
McLeod, Christopher
John (NHLBI)
C.J. McLeod, J.P. McCoy Jr, R.F. Hoyt Jr, M.N. Sack
Inducible Mitochondrial Uncoupling: an Endogenous Regulatory Mechanism Augmenting Tolerance to Cardiac Ischemia
Nahirney, Patrick
P.C. Nahirney and K. Wang
Novel Myosin-rich and Actin-rich Aggregates in the Sarcoplasm as Potential Assembly/Disassembly Intermediates in the Sonic Muscle Fiber of Type 1 Male Midshipman Fish
Padilla, Philip Ian
P.I. Padilla, G. Pacheco-Rodriguez, J. Moss, and M. Vaughan
Nuclear Localization and Molecular Partners of BIG1, a Brefeldin A-inhinbited Guanine Nucleotide-Exchange Protein for ARFs
Pandey, Jyotsna
J Pandey, M S Sori, J Angdisen, S Umphress, T Jacks, and S B Jakowlew
Modulation of Tumorigenesis and Tumor Progression by C/EBP Proteins in a TGF-b1 and K-ras Mutated Mouse Model of Lung Cancer
Song, Lin
L. Song and R.S. Tuan
Identification and Characterization of Stemness Genes using DNA Microarray
Swartz, Jonathan
J.M. Swartz, J. Byström, K.D. Dyer, T. Nitto, T.A. Wynn, and H.F. Rosenberg
Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-2 (PAI-2) is a Novel Constituent of Eosinophilic Leukocytes
Veenstra, Timothy
T.D. Veenstra, L.R. Yu, T. Uo, T.P. Conrads, D.A. Lucas, K.C. Chan, H.J. Issaq, M.D. Johnson, and R.S. Morrison
Quantitative Proteomic Analysis of Cortical Neuron Death
Vijayasarathy, Camasamudram
C. Vijayasarathy, Y.Takada, K.Hiriyanna, Y. Zeng, R.A. Bush, P.A. Sieving
In Search of Retinoschisin Interacting Proteins towards Understanding the Molecular Basis of Macular Degeneration in Retinoschisis
Yu, Li-Rong
L.R. Yu, H. Tahara, T.P. Conrads, K.C. Chan, D.A. Lucas, H.J. Issaq, J.C. Barrett, and T.D. Veenstra
Quantitative Proteome Analysis of Telomere-Differential Human Breast Epithelial Cells
Spinetti, Gaia
G. Spinetti, M. Wang, R. Monticone, J. Zhang, E.G. Lakatta
MCP-1 Induces TGF-B1 Activation in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells: Implication for Age-associated Arterial Remodeling