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Research Festival Poster for 2004
2004 NIH Research Festival

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September 28 - October 1
General Schedule of Events
Keynote Address
Poster Sessions
Job Fair for NIH Postdoctoral, Research and Clinical Fellows
Special Exhibits on Resources for Intramural Research
TSA Research Festival Exhibit Show
Festival Food and Music Fair
Research Festival Committees
Symposia Session II - 4 Concurrent Symposia
  Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Natcher Conference Center

NIH Pharmacology and Therapeutics - The Road to Identification of Molecular Targets and Their Structures

2:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Chaired by:
Jeremy M. Berg, NIGMS

Balcony C, Natcher Conference Center

Pharmacology in the genomic era is capitalizing on an increasing array of new methods and technologies to identify and characterize potential targets for new therapeutics. The use of comparative genomics, crystallography, multidimensional NMR spectroscopy, gene microarrays, small library approaches, and molecular dynamics simulations have sped the pace of research into the structure and function of proteins, protein-protein complexes and protein-nucleic acid complexes, especially those involved in signal transduction pathways. This symposium will examine the relationships between molecular structures, their biological activities and the mechanisms by which small molecules have been used to explore and characterize these structures in efforts to identify therapeutic targets. The goal of this symposium is to highlight state-of-the-art pharmacological research being conducted across the NIH, directed to characterization of emerging drug targets.


Targeting Targeting Pathways: Peroxisomes and Glycosomes
Jeremy M. Berg, NIGMS

First Examples of Isozyme-specific Activators of Protein Kinase C (PKC) and Other Non-kinase Phorbol Ester Receptors
Victor Marquez, NCI.

Structural Insights into Recognition in Transient Protein-Protein Complexes Using NMR Spectroscopy
G. Marius Clore, NIDDK

Regulating Transcription Factor Activity by Oxidation and Reduction
Gisela Storz, NICHD

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