King C. Li, CC
Balcony B, Natcher
Conference Center
Molecular imaging may be
defined as spatially localized and/or temporally
resolved sensing of molecular and cellular
processes in vivo. By integrating information
obtained from molecular imaging and molecular
analysis techniques such as functional genomics
and proteomics in an iterative fashion, further
understanding of systems biology can be developed.
Knowledge gained from this type of investigation
can be readily translated to clinical applications
in the form of novel diagnostics, therapeutics,
and personalized treatments. Program
Molecular Imaging: An Overview
King C.
Li, CC
The Development of Nanomaterials for Molecular
Narasimhan Danthi, CC
Molecular Imaging Applications in the
Robert Innis, NIMH
Molecular Imaging Applications in Cancer
Research, Diagnosis and Treatment
Peter Choyke,