Cytokines |
Bekisz, Joseph
J. Bekisz, V. Calvert, and K. Zoon
Use of Antibody Microarray to Detect Expression of Signal Transduction Proteins After Cell Treatment with Interferon-Alpha Constructs
Hu, Renqiu
R.Hu, A.X.Yang, R.K.Puri,H.Schmeisser, and K.Zoon
Identification of Differential Gene Regulation by Engineered IFN-as using DNA Microarray
Ingram, Jennifer
Leigh (NIEHS)
J. L. Ingram*, A. B. Rice*, K. Geisenhoffer*, D. K. Madtes#, and J. C. Bonner*; *Lab. of Pulmonary Pathobiology, NIEHS; #Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA
Interleukin-13-Stimulated Lung Myofibroblast Growth is Mediated by Platelet-Derived Growth Factor-AA Via a STAT-6-Dependent Mechanism: Implications for the Development of Airway Fibrosis in Asthma
Khan, Tahira
Tahira Khan, Julie Hixon, Jim Stauffer, Tim Back, Erin Lincoln, and Jon M. Wigginton
The Role of Death-Receptor-Mediated Apoptosis in the Induction of Tumor Regression by IL-12 in a Novel Orthotopic Model of Murine Neuroblastoma
Kioi, Mitomu
M. Kioi, K. Kawakami, and R.K. Puri
Mechanism of Action of Interleukin-13 Antagonist (IL-13E13K) in Cells Expressing Various Types of IL-4R
Schmeisser, Hana
H. Schmeisser(*), P. Kontsek(#), G. Schreiber($), R. Hu(*), K. Zoon(*); (*) NCI, CCR; (#) Institute of Neuroimmunology, SAS, Bratislava, Slovak Republic; ($) The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
Characterization of Interactions Between Interferon Alpha Species and Receptor Subunit IFNAR2-EC
Epidemiology |
Abnet, Christian
Cormac (NCI)
C. Abnet, Y-L. Qiao, S. Dawsey, Z-W. Dong, P. Taylor, and S. Mark
Tooth Loss Increases the Risk of Total Death and Death from Upper Gastrointestinal Cancer, Heart Disease, and Stroke in a Chinese Population
Albanes, Demetrius
D. Albanes, P.R. Taylor, J. K. Huttunen, P. Pietinen, P. Korhonen, N. Malila, M. J. Virtanen, P. Albert, S. J. Weinstein, J. Virtamo
Effects of Alpha-Tocopherol (Vitamin E) and Beta-Carotene Supplementation on Incidence of Cancer and Mortality: 6-Year Post-Trial Follow-up of the Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention (ATBC) Study
Alguacil, Juan
J Alguacil, M Kogevinas, DT Silverman, J Fortuny, Mrivas, N Malats, M Garcia-Closas, A Tardon, R Garcia-Closas, A Carrato, C Serra, FX Real, M Dosemeci, N Rothman
Urine pH and Bladder Cancer Risk in the Spanish Bladder Cancer Study
Atkinson, Jonnae
O. (NCI)
Jonnae O. Atkinson, Brian R. Edlin, Eric A. Engels, Alex H. Kral, Karen Seal, Christine J. Gamache, Denise Whitby, Thomas R. O’Brien
Seroprevalence of Human Herpesvirus 8 among Injection Drug Users in San Francisco
Atkinson, Jonnae
O. (NCI)
JO Atkinson, SM Mbulaiteye, D Whitby, EE Brown, and CS Rabkin for the ACC Study Collaborators
Alcohol, Smoking, and HHV-8 Seropositivity in the AIDS Cancer Cohort (ACC)
Baccarelli, Andrea
A. Baccarelli, D. Calista, P. Minghetti, B. Marinelli, B. Albetti, T. Tseng, M. Hedayati, L. Grossman, G. Landi, J.P. Struewing, M.T. Landi
XPD (ERCC2) Gene Polymorphism and Host Characteristics in the Association with Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma Risk
Berrigan, David
D. Berrigan, R. Ballard-Barbash, R. P. Troiano, T. McNeel, C. DiSogra.
Inclusion of Non-Leisure Time Walking and Bicycling Reduces Apparent Disparities in Adherence to Recommendations Concerning Physical Activity in Adult Californians
Brenner, Alina
A. Brenner, P. Inskip
Season of Birth and Risk of Glioma in Adults
Brown, Linda
Morris (NCI)
L.M. Brown, R. Hoover, D. Silverman, D. Baris, R. Hayes, G. M. Swanson, J. Schoenberg, R. Greenberg, J. Liff, A. Schwartz, M. Dosemeci, L. Pottern, J.F. Fraumeni, Jr.
Squamous Cell Esophageal Cancer Among US Black and White Men: Contribution of Social Class and Other Factors to the Black Excess in Incidence Rates
Brown, Elizabeth
E. (NCI)
EE. Brown, JJ. Goedert,CB. Foster, R. Chen, D. Whitby, V. Marshall, F. Vitale, C. Lauria, I. Maida, L. Gafa, D. Serraino, G. Rezza, M. Montella, N. Romano and SJ.Chanock
Variant Genotypes of FCGR3A Influence Risk for KSHV Infection and Classic Kaposi's Sarcoma (CKS)
Brown, Elizabeth
E. (NCI)
E.E. Brown,D. Whitby, F. Vitale, V. Marshall, C. Lauria, L. Gafa, P. Cordiali Fei,M. Musso, D. Serraino, M Montella, G. Rezza, N. Romano, and JJ Goedert
Determinants of HHV8 Viremia in the General Population, Italy
Chang, Miran
M. Chang, L. Ferrucci, J. Cohen-Mansfield, J. Guralnik
Predictors of Mobility Loss Over 1.8 Years Among Non-Disabled But Functionally Limited Older Adults
Chang, Shih-Chen
S.C. Chang, M. Leitzmann, R. Stolzenberg-Solomon, J. Lacey, P. Hartge, R. Ziegler, R. Hoover, A. Schatzkin
Interrelation of Energy Intake, Body Size, and Physical Activity with Breast Cancer in the PLCO Screening Trial
Chatterjee, Nilanjan
Nilanjan Chatterjee
Richard Hayes
A Two-stage Regression Approach to Etiologic Studies of Heterogeneous Disease
Chen, Jinbo
Jinbo Chen and Mitchell H. Gail
Development of a New Model for Predicting Absolute Risk of Breast Cancer
Conde, Betty
A. (NCI)
C-D. Wang, R. K. Bagni, M. Zhang*, T. R. O’Brien*, D. Whitby and B. A. Ortiz-Conde. Viral Epidemiology Section, AIDS Vaccine Program, SAIC-Frederick, *Viral Epidemiology Branch, NCI.
HCV Genotyping by Sequencing and Phylogenetic Analysis of the NS5B Region
Cross, Amanda
A. J. Cross and R. Sinha
Mutagens Derived from Red Meat and their Contribution to Colorectal Cancer Risk
de Rekeneire, Nathalie
N.de Rekeneire, R.Peila, J.Ding, M.Visser, R.I.Shorr, S.B.Kritchevsky, L.H.Kuller, A.V. Schwartz, B.Vellas, T.B.Harris.
Inflammation, Insulin, Glucose in Non Diabetic Older Persons: Findings from the Health, Aging and Body Composition Study
Duggal, Priya
P.Duggal(1),A.P.Klein(1),K.E.Lee(2),R.Klein(2),J.E.Bailey-Wilson(1),B.E.K.Klein(2); (1)IDRB/NHGRI/NIH,Baltimore,MD (2)Dept of Ophthalmology,Univ.of Wisconsin Med. School
Genetic Contribution to Intraocular Pressure: Beaver Dam Eye Study
El ghormli, Laure
Laure El ghormli, M.S., Gloria Gridley, M.S., Mustafa Dosemeci, Ph.D., Tahereh Moradi, M.P.H., Omur Cinar Elci, Ph.D.
Risk for Male Breast Cancer in Relation to Occupational Physical Activity and other Exposures: a Nationwide Cohort Study in Sweden
Engels, Eric
E.A. Engels, N. Chatterjee, J.R. Cerhan, W. Cozen, S. Davis, R.K. Severson, J.S. Colt, P. Hartge
Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Infection and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (NHL) in the U.S.: Results of the National Cancer Insitute-SEER Multicenter Case-Control Study
Falk, Roni
T.S. Shields, R.T. Falk, T.R. Fears, R.N. Hoover, R.G. Ziegler
Breast Feeding and Breast Cancer Risk in an Asian-American Population
Garcia-Closas, Montserrat
M. García-Closas, K. Egan, L., P. Newcomb, L Titus-Ernstoff, A. Trentham-Dietz, J. Rutter, D. Hill L. Brinton, J Struewing.
Polymorphisms in DNA Double Strand Break Repair Genes and Risk of Breast Cancer in a Population-Based Study
Goedert, James
J. (NCI)
JJ Goedert for the Multicenter Hemophilia Cohort Study
Covariates of Lymphoma and Hepatocellular Carcinoma Incidence Among Hemophilic Men with Hepatitis C Virus Infection
Goldin, Lynn
L.R. Goldin, R.M. Pfeiffer, M.H.Gail, G. Gridley, L. Mellemkjaer, J.H. Olsen, X. Li, K. Hemminki, M.S. Linet
Familial Aggregation of Lymphoproliferative Tumors
Greene, Mark
MH Greene, B Dunn, K Buetow, P Rosenberg, J Kelley, N Kazerouni, D Flockhart, J Costantino, L Wickerham, N Wolmark.
Pharmacogenetic Determinants of Cancer Treatment Outcome: The Risk of Invasive Breast Cancer among Participants in the NSABP-P1 Tamoxifen Breast Cancer Prevention Trial (BCPT)
Han, Christina
C.J. Han, J.K. Lynch, L.E. Nee, K.B. Nelson
International Differences in the Frequency of Coagulation Abnormalities among Children with Stroke
Hauptmann, Michael
Michael Hauptmann, Jay H. Lubin, Patricia A. Stewart, Richard B. Hayes, Aaron Blair
Mortality from Lymphohematopoietic Malignancies Among Workers Employed in Formaldehyde Industries
Havlik, Richard
J. (NIA)
R.J. Havlik, D Brunetti, G. Tonel, R Bussani, F. Silvestri, G. Stanta
Siblings of Short-lived Compared to Long-lived Persons Suffer more Perinatal Mortality
Herrell, Richard
R. Herrell, N. Low, G. Canino, K.R. Merikangas
HIV Risk Behaviors in High Risk Children of Migrant and Island Puerto Ricans
Hill, Deirdre
Anne (NCI)
DA Hill, P Inskip, M Linet.
Diagnostic and Therapeutic Radiation in Relation to Risk of Glioma, Meningioma, or Acoustic Neuroma
Ho, Nicola
C.Y. (NIA)
N.C. Ho, M. Guarnieri, S.S. Park, L.J. Brant, R. Thompson, B. Sun, M. North, B.S. Carson, C.A. Francomano
Living with Achondroplasia: Quality of Life Assessment following Cervico-Medullary Decompression
Hou, Lifang Hou
Lifang Hou., Nilanjan Chatterjee, Wen-Yi Huang, Joel Weissfeld, John Gohagan, Richard B. Hayes
CYP1A1 (I462V) and NQO1 (P187S) Polymorphisms, Smoking, and Colorectal Adenoma
Hou, Lifang
Lifang Hou., Bu-Tian Ji , Blair Aaron, Qi Dai, Yu-Tang Gao, Wong-Ho Chow
Body Mass Index, Physical Activity and Risk of Colon Cancer in Shanghai, China
Huang, Wen-Yi
Wen-Yi Huang, Stephen Chanock, Michael Dean, Nilanjan Chatterjee, Robert Schoen, Christine Johnson, Richard B. Hayes.
Microsomal Epoxide Hydrolase Polymorphisms in Association with Cigarette Use for Risk of Advanced Colorectal Adenoma in the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian (PLCO) Cancer Screening Trial
Katki, Hormuzd
H. A. Katki, E. A. Engels, P. S. Rosenberg
Assessing Uncertainty in Reference Intervals: Application to a Mixed Model Describing HIV Infection
Kirk, Gregory
G.D. Kirk, P.C. Turner, Y. Gong, O.A. Lesi, M. Mendy, J.J. Goedert, P. Hainaut, R. Montesano, and C.P. Wild
Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Polymorphisms in Carcinogen-Metabolizing and DNA Repair Enzymes in a Population with Aflatoxin Exposure and Hepatitis B Virus Endemicity
Klein, Alison
AP Klein1 KA Brune2 M Goggins2,3,4 AC Tersmette5 GJA Offerhaus5 GM Petersen6 S Kern3 RH Hruban2,3 1Stat. Gen. Section IDRB/NHGRI/NIH 2Pathology 3Oncology 4Medicine Johns Hopkins Medicine 5Pathology Academic Medical Ctr Amsterdam, NL 6 Mayo Clinic
Prospective Risk of Pancreatic Cancer in Familial Pancreatic Cancer Kindreds
Kleinerman, Ruth
Anne (NCI)
R.A. Kleinerman1, D.H. Abramson2, J.H. Seddon3, M. Stovall4, M.A. Tucker1. 1 DCEG, NCI, 2 New York Presbyterian Hospital, 3 Massachusetts Eye and Ear Institute, 4 M.D. Anderson Cancer Center.
Radiotherapy and Genetic Susceptibility to Second Cancers in a Cohort of Retinoblastoma Patients
Kramer, Joan
J Kramer, M McMaster, M Walther, P Rosenberg, S Vadaparampil, J Loud, J Peters, P Choyke, A Premkumar, WM Linehan, MH Greene
Multidisciplinary Etiologic Study of Familial Testicular Cancer
Lacey, Jr., James
Vincent (NCI)
J.V. Lacey Jr., L.A. Brinton, M.E. Sherman, A. Schatzkin, C. Schairer
Menopausal Estrogen Therapy and Endometrial Cancer in a US Cohort: Recency and Potential Associations with Other Risk Factors
Lan, Qing
Q Lan, G Li, L Zhang, R Vermeulen, M Smith, M Dosemeci, S Rappaport, W Kopp, S Waidyanatha, C Rabkin, R Hayes, M Linet, L Wang, R Mu, S Yin, N Rothman
Benzene, Hematotoxicity, Genetic Susceptibility
Land, Charles
Even (NCI)
C Land, Z Zhumadilov, B Gusev, M Hartshorne, L Crooks, P Wiest, Z Carr, N Luckyanov, C-M Fillmore, B Weinstock, A Bouville, S Simon
Thyroid Nodule Prevalence and Radiation Dose among Childhood Residents of Villages Near the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site in Northeastern Kazakhstan
Landi, Maria Teresa
M.T. Landi, A. Pesatori, A. Baccarelli, S. Masten, J. Grassman, D. Patterson, D. Bell, N. Caporaso, A. Bergen
TCDD-mediated alterations in the AhR-dependent pathway in Seveso, Italy 20 years after the accident
Lee, Won Jin
WJ Lee, J.A. Hoppin, A. Blair, J.H. Lubin, M. Dosemeci, D.P. Sandler, M.C.R. Alavanja
Lung Cancer Incidence Among Pesticide Applicators Exposed to Chlorpyrifos in the Agricultural Health Study
Leitzmann, Michael
M.F. Leitzmann, S.-C. Chang, W.-Y. Huang, V. Kirsh, U. Peters, N. Chatterjee, G. Andriole, A. Schatzkin, R. Hayes
Interrelation of Energy Intake, Body Size, and Physical Activity with Prostate Cancer
in the PLCO Screening Trial
Li, Hongchuan
H.C. Li, M. Hisada, H. Lou, L. Cartier, L.V. Hurtado, K. Tajima, S. Sonoda
Phylogenetic Analysis Supports the Common Origin of the Virus in Japan and South America
Lim, Unhee
U Lim, R Stolzenberg-Solomon, J Virtamo, P Pietinen, PR Taylor, D Albanes
Dietary B Vitamins and the Risk of Lymphoid Cancers in Male Smokers
Loud, Jennifer
J Loud, SJ Skates, M Hensley, K Lu, M Sherman, MH Greene.
National Prospective Study of Risk-Reducing Surgery and a Novel Screening Strategy in Women at Increased Genetic Risk of Ovarian Cancer (GOG 0199)
Low, Nancy
Chooi Ping (NIMH)
N.C. Low, R. Herrell, K.R. Merikangas
The Impact of Assortative Mating on the Familial Aggregation of Substance Use and Anxiety Disorders
Mabuchi, Kiyohiko
Kiyohiko Mabuchi, Zhanat A. Carr, Ruth A. Kleinerman, Marilyn Stovall, Bob Weinstock, Melvin L. Gliem, Charles E. Land
Coronary Heart Disease After Radiotherapy for Peptic Ulcer
Mbulaiteye, Sam
SM Mbulaiteye, RJ. Biggar, D Whitby, R Pfeiffer, AM Owor*, PM. Bakaki*, E Katongole-Mbidde*, C M. Ndugwa*, J J. Goedert1, E A. Engels; National Cancer Institute; * Makerere University Medical School, Kampala, Uganda
Risk of Blood-Borne HHV-8 Transmission in Previously Transfused Children with Sickle Cell Disease in Uganda
McMaster, Mary
Louise (NCI)
M.L. McMaster, L. Goldin, M.A. Tucker
Clinical, Laboratory and Epidemiologic Characterization of Individuals and Families at High Risk for Waldenström’s Macroglobulinemia
Millen, Amy
Elizabeth (NCI)
Amy E. Millen, Margaret A. Tucker, Patricia Hartge, Nancy Potischman.
Diet and Risk of Malignant Melanoma in a Case-Control Study
Peters, Ulrike
Ulrike Peters, Richard Hayes, Nilanjan Chatterjee, Timothy R. Church, Charlotte Mayo, Stephen Chanock, Charles Foster
Polymorphisms in the Selenoprotein Glutathione Peroxidase 1 and Risk of Colorectal Adenoma
Rajaraman, Preetha
P Rajaraman, PD Inskip
Polymorphism in the Gene for Aminolevulinic Acid Dehydratase (ALAD) and Risk of Brain Tumors in Adults
Rastogi, Tanuja
Tanuja Rastogi, Yu-Tang Gao, Gloria Gridley, Asif Rashid, Jie Deng, Joseph F. Fraumeni, Jr., Ann W. Hsing
Diet and Risk of Biliary Tract Cancers: A Population-based Study in Shanghai, China
Ronckers, Cecile
M. (NCI)
Cécile M Ronckers, Michele Morin Doody, John E. Lonstein, Marilyn Stovall, Charles E. Land
Multiple Diagnostic X-rays and Risk of Breast Cancer
Findings from the U.S. Scoliosis Cohort Study
Rusiecki, Jennifer
Ann (NCI)
J Rusiecki, A De Roos, W Lee, M Dosemeci, J Lubin, A Blair, J Hoppin, M Alavanja
Cancer Incidence Among Pesticide Applicators Exposed to Atrazine in the Agricultural Health Study
Schatzkin, Arthur
A. Schatzkin, A. Subar, R. Troiano, D Midthune, F Thompson
Can We Measure Diet Accurately Enough to Detect Important Cancer Associations: Results from the OPEN Biomarker Study
Silverman, Debra
J Alguacil, DT Silverman
Smokeless and Other Non-Cigarette Tobacco Use and Pancreatic Cancer: A Case-Control Study Based on Direct Interviews
Simon, Steven
S.L. Simon and A. Bouville
Reconstructing Radiation Doses from Nuclear Weapons Testing: Challenges in Science and Communication
Simonsen, Lone
L.Simonsen, T.A Reichert, M.A. Miller
Pandemic Influenza Mortality: The Virtues of Antigenic Sin
Sinha, Rashmi
Rashmi Sinha, Ulrike Peters, David Demarini, Lance Brooks, Sarah Warren, Nilanjan Chatterjee, Nathaniel Rothman
Association Between Urinary Mutagenicity and Risk of Colorectal Adenomas in a Clinic-Based Case-Control Study
Stolzenberg-Solomon, Rachael
Zoe (NCI)
R.Z. Stolzenberg-Solomon, P. Limburg, M. Pollak, P.R. Taylor, J. Virtamo, D. Albanes
Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF)-1, IGF-Binding Protein (BP)-3 and Pancreatic Cancer in Male Smokers
VanVeldhuisen, Paul
P. VanVeldhuisen, T. Sawada, B. Hanchard, R Wilks, and M. Hisada
Longitudinal Changes of Viral markers In Asymptomatic HTLV-I Carriers in Jamaica
Vermeulen, Roel
Roel Vermeulen, Qing Lan, Laura Gunn, Guilan Li, Luoping Zhang, Martyn T. Smith, Nathaniel Rothman
Proteomic Changes in Serum from Workers Exposed to Benzene
Ward, Mary
Ward MH, Nuckols JR, Giglierano J, Wolter C,Colt JS ,Camann D , Hartge P
Residential Exposure to Agricultural Pesticides in Iowa
Weinstein, Stephanie
Joan (NCI)
S. Weinstein, T. Hartman, R. Stolzenberg-Solomon, P. Pietinen, M. Barrett, P. Taylor, J. Virtamo, D. Albanes
Dietary and Serum Factors Related to One-Carbon Metabolism and Risk of Prostate Cancer
Wilson, Robin
Taylor (NCI)
R.T. Wilson, L.E. Moore, M. Dosemeci
Occupational Exposures and Salivary Gland Cancer Mortality among African American And White Workers in the United States
Wright, Margaret
Elaine (NCI)
M.E. Wright, S.T. Mayne, R.Z. Stolzenberg-Solomon, Z. Li, P.Pietinen, P.R. Taylor, J. Virtamo, and D. Albanes
Development of a Comprehensive Dietary Antioxidant Index and Application to Lung Cancer Risk in a Cohort of Male Smokers
Zhang, Mingdong
M. Zhang, X.D. Sun, S.D. Mark, W. Chen, Y.-L. Qiao, Lara Wong, J. F. Fraumeni, P.R. Taylor, and T. R. O’Brien
High Frequency of Hepatitis C Virus Infection In Linixian, China
Genetics/Genomics |
Anderson, Tangela
N. Lamparella, Z. Zhou, Gary Jenkins, T. Anderson, K. Neyer, and R.H. Lipsky
Nucleotide Sequence Variation in the Human Tyrosine Kinase B Neurotrophin Receptor Gene (NTRK2)
Buendgen, Nana
Kristin (NCI)
N.K. Buendgen, J.K. Habermann, C. Lundgren, J. Doering, B. Sundelin, R. Broll, H.-P. Bruch, B. Nordstroem, G. Auer, T. Ried
Chromosomal Aberrations Correlate with DNA Ploidy and the Clinical Course of Endometrial Carcinomas
Bussey, Kimberly
K. Bussey, D. Kane, M. Sunshine, S. Narasimhan, S. Nishizuka, W.C. Reinhold, B. Zeeberg, Ajay, and J.N. Weinstein
MatchMiner: A Tool for Batch-Navigating the Gene Identifier Quagmire
Calzone, Kathleen
A. (NCI)
K. Calzone, S. Prindiville, O. Jourkiv, S. Steinberg, P. Soballe, P. Klein, I. Kirsch
Comparison of Group Versus Individual Education and Counseling for Breast Cancer Genetics
Carter, Carole
Denise (NCI)
C.D. Carter, C. Babic, B. Todd, and M.A. Basrai
Molecular Characterization of NORF5/HUG1, a Negative Regulator of the MEC1 Checkpoint Pathway
Chilukuri, Jyothsna
Chilukuri, Lin, Zeeberg, Feng, Wang, Wang, Fojo, Sunshine, Narasimhan, Kane, Reinhold, Lababidi, Bussey, Riss, Barrett, Weinstein
Enhancement of the Useability of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) in Analysis of Gene Expression Microarray Data
Correa-Cerro, Lina
L.S. Correa-Cerro (1), C.A. Wassif (1), L. Kratz (2), R. Kelly (2) and F.D.Porter (1).
Development, Characterization and Treatment of a Hypomorphic SLOS Mouse Model to investigate therapeutic interventions
Edgemon, Keith
Alan (NIDDK)
K Edgemon, M Haluzik, DA Cutler, M.J. Zarnowski, O Gavrilova, ML Reitman, C Londos
Transgenic Mice with Partial Lipodystrophy due to expression of Lamin A or C cDNA containing a Dunnigan-specific mutation
Finch, Thembi
T. Finch, K. Xu, E. Westley, J. Waheed, A. Roy, M. Roy, D. Goldman
Linkage Disequilibrium of the GABRA Cluster Gene on Chromosome 4 with Opiate Addiction in an African American Population
Frankenberger, Casey
C. Frankenberger, U. Urzúa, D. Church, J. Powell, T. Burgess, T. Tawady, L. Gangi and D. Munroe.
aCGH Explorer: a Tool for High Resolution Analysis of Chromosomal Imbalances
Gail, Mitchell
R. M. Pfeiffer, M. H. Gail
Sample Size Calculations for Population and Family Based Case-Control Association Studies on Marker Genotypes
Goldsmith, David
Ryan (NIMH)
David R. Goldsmith, Michael F. Egan, Daniel R. Weinberger, Terry E. Goldberg
Relative Risk of Personality Traits in Siblings of Patients with Schizophrenia
Grant, William
Gerard (NIAAA)
G. Malhotra, W. Grant, K. Xu, R.H. Lipsky, A. Malhotra, D. Goldman
BDNF and DRD2 Functional Loci and Haplotypes in Schizophrenia
Habermann, Jens
K. (NCI)
J. K. Habermann, J. Doering, B. Sundelin, R. Broll, H.-P. Bruch, G. Auer, T. Ried
DNA Cytometry and Comparative Genomic Hybridization define new Subgroup of Breast Carcinomas
Haque, Kashif
Aziz (NCI)
K. Haque, M. Beerman, V. Puri, S. Yadavalli, A. Crenshaw, R. Welch, M. Yeager, B. Packer, M. Garcia-Closas, N. Rothman, S. Chanock, and A. Bergen
Evaluation of Whole Genome Amplification Methods
Hu, Xianzhang
X. Hu, C. Mazzanti, R. H. Lipsky, D. Goldman
Role of a Tetranucleotide Repeat Polymorphism in the First Intron of the Tyrosine Hydroxylase Gene in Expression and Behavioral Phenotypes
Kastenmayer, James
J. Kastenmayer and M. Basrai
Molecular Dissection of the S. cerevisiae Multifunctional Protein Mad1p
Khil, Pavel
P.P. Khil, N.A. Smirnova, P.J. Romanienko and R. D. Camerini-
The Effect Of Meiotic Sex Chromosomes Inactivation On The Chromosomal Distribution Of Male-Biased Genes
Lababidi, Samir
S. Lababidi, U. Shankavaram, W. C. Reinhold, H. Cao, U. Scherf, J. N. Weinstein
Cluster Analysis For Microarray Data
Lin, Mingkuan
Lin, Chilukuri, Zeeberg, Feng, Wang, Wang, Fojo, Sunshine, Narasimhan, Kane, Reinhold, Lababidi, Bussey, Riss, Barrett, Weinstein
Development of a Resource to Provide Flexible Editing of Ontological Relationships and Gene Associations in Molecular Biology Databases
Lipsky, Robert
K. Xu, J. Taubman, J. Hoberman, A.J. Marco, and R.H. Lipsky
Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor Haplotypes and Their Relationship to Drug Dependence
Miller, III, Merrill
MC Miller, III, RS Paules, and DA Bell
Using Expression Profiles to Detect Underlying Epigenetic Variation in Cell Lines
Oh, Kyu Seon
KS. Oh, S. khan, S. Emmert, A.Grachev, T. Ueda, T. Shalavi, H. Inui, C.Baker and K.H. Kraemer
An Identical Mutation in the XPB Helicase Gene in Two Patients with the Xeroderma Pigmentosum/Cockayne Syndrome Complex
Packer, Bernice
B Packer, M Yeager, B Staats, R Welch, A Crenshaw, M Kiley, A Eckert, M Beerman, E Miller, A Bergen, N Rothman, R Strausberg, S Chanock
SNP500Cancer Database: Sequence validation and assay optimization of candidate gene SNPs for molecular epidemiology studies in cancer
Pang, Alan
A. L. Y. Pang, W. Johnson, N. Ravindranath, M. Dym, O. M. Rennert and W. Y. Chan
A Survey of Housekeeping Gene Expression During Germ Cell Development
Pfeiffer, Ruth
R Pfeiffer
E Bura
Classifying Tumors Using Sliced Average Variance Estimation on DNA Microarray Data
Sokolov, Mykyta
M.V. Sokolov, N.A. Smirnova, R.D. Neumann, D.R. Camerini-Otero, I.G. Panyutin
DNA-Microarray Analysis of the Genome-Wide Transcriptional Response to I-125-Induced DNA Damage in Human Cells
Sverdlov, Alexander
A. Sverdlov, I. Rogozin, V. Babenko, E. Koonin
Adaptation of New Introns Though Changes in Splice Site Sequences
Ter-Minassian, Monica
Monica Ter-Minassian, Shirley Tsang, Paola Minghetti, Alisa Goldstein, Donato Calista, Maria Teresa Landi
Genetics of Melanoma Predisposition in an Italian Population
Tomso, Daniel
D.J. Tomso, D.A. Bell
Computational Analysis of Sequence Context at Human Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms
Urzua, Ulises
U. Urzúa, L. Gangi, S. Mayer, K. Roby and D. Munroe. Laboratory of Molecular Technology, SAIC-NCI Frederick, Frederick, MD 21702 and Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS 66160
Transcriptional Profile of Spontaneously Transformed Mouse Ovarian Surface Epithelial Cells Resembles Human Serous and Mucinous Ovarian Carcinoma
Verma, Nidhi
N. Verma and B. Peculis
Role of ITS2 in Pre-rRNA Processing in Yeast
Wan, Honghui
H. Wan, H. Dang, M. D. Waters, A. Haugen, J. Selkirk, B. Van Houten, and R. W. Tennant
Conservation of Responses to Arsenic in Yeast and Human Cells
Weinstein, John
JN Weinstein, KL Bussey, BR Zeeburg, S Kim, S Lababidi, WC Reinhold, S Nishizuka, Ajay, M Sunshine, S Narasimhan, H Cao, P Blower, G Wang, W Feng, P Blower, M Wang, J Riss, CJ Barrett, K Kohn, D Kane
Integromics: Practical, Publicly Available Computer Programs for Analyzing and Integrating Genomic, Proteomic, and Pharmacological Data
Yang, Xiaohong(Rose)
R.X. Yang, M.J. Kelley, M. McMaster, N.J. Liebsch, A.W. Bergen, M. Beerman, K. Haque, A.M. Goldstein, D.M. Parry
Genetic Heterogeneity in Familial Chordoma
Young, Lynn
L. Young, P. E. Kovanen, W. J. Leonard, and P. J. Munson
GLO - Genome Location of Expressed Genes
Zeeberg, Barry
Richard (NCI)
Zeeberg, Chilukuri, Lin, Feng, Wang, Wang, Fojo, Sunshine, Narasimhan, Kane, Reinhold, Lababidi, Bussey, Riss, Barrett, Weinstein
GoMiner: A Resource for Biological Interpretation of Genomic and Proteomic Data
Zhou, Zhifeng
Z Zhou, R Lipsky, D Goldman
Detection and Characterization of Human NPY Gene Variants
Zhu, Guanshan
G. Zhu, Z. Zhou, X. Hu, A.C. Walker, L.A. Akhtar, K. Xu, J. Taubman, D.C. Mash, R.H. Lipsky, and D. Goldman
A Polymorphism in Human NPY Promoter Region Results in Differential Allele Expression
Structural Biology |
Baxa, Ulrich
U. Baxa, K.L. Taylor, J.S. Wall, M.N. Simon, N. Cheng, R.B. Wickner and A.C. Steven
Architecture of Ure2p Prion Filaments:
The N-Terminal Domains Form a Central Core Fiber
Borgnia, Mario
Juan (NCI)
M. J. Borgnia, D. Shi, J. Lengyel, R. Corrick, R. N. Perham, and J. L. S. Milne
Molecular Structures of Icosahedral Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complexes from B. stearothermophilus Determined by Electron Cryo-Microscopy
Buchete, Nicolae-Viorel
N.-V. Buchete, R. Tycko, and G. Hummer
Exploring the Sequence Space of Beta-Amyloid Fibril Forming Peptides Using Threading
Byeon, In-Ja
I.-J. L. Byeon, M. K. Frank, J. M. Louis, F. Dyda, A. Dobrodumov and A. M. Gronenborn
Exploration of the Folding Landscape by NMR: Structural Versatility of a Model Protein
Costanzi, Stefano
S. Costanzi, K.A. Jacobson
Structural Comparison of P2Y Receptors Based on Sequence Analysis and Homology Modeling
Fowler, C.
Andrew (NCI)
C.A. Fowler, V. Gaponenko, J. Li, and R.A. Byrd
Domain Orientation in the NK1 Fragment of Hepatocyte Growth Factor: Application of Residual Dipolar Couplings and Pseudocontact Shifts
Freedberg, Daron
D.I. Freedberg,* S.O. Ano, R.M. Venable, Scott E. Norris
Distinct Three-Dimensional Structures of alpha- and beta-lactose from New NMR Measurements
Grünewald, Kay
K. Grünewald, P. Desai, D.C. Winkler, J.B. Heymann, D.M. Belnap, W. Baumeister, A. C. Steven
Asymmetric Virus Structure in Three Dimensions: Electron Cryotomography of Herpes Simplex Virus
Harris, Audray
A. Harris, D.M. Belnap, N. R. Watts, J.F. Conway, N. Cheng, S. J. Stahl, P.T. Wingfield, and A. C. Steven
Monoclonal Antibodies Complexed with HBV Core Particles: A Model System for Epitope Diversity
Havlin, Robert
R. H. Havlin and R. Tycko
Measuring Disordered Protein Conformations with Solid State NMR
He, Yujian
Y. He, R. D. Neumann, I. G. Panyutin
Intramolecular Quadruplex Conformation of Human Telomeric DNA Assessed with Iodine-125 Radioprobing
Hirai, Teruhisa
Teruhisa Hirai, Jurgen A.W. Heymann, Dan Shi and Sriram Subramaniam
Three-Dimensional Structure of a Bacterial Oxalate Transporter
Kann, Maricel
M.Kann, A.Schaffer, A. Panchenko, S.Altschul and S.Bryant
BLOCKER: Combining Structure and Function Information in a Local Alignment Search Tool for Sequence-Sequence Comparison
Kuszewski, John
J. Kuszewski, C. Schwieters
Protein Structure Determination from Datasets that Include Many Incorrect Restraints
Lee, Yong-Sok
Y.S. Lee and M. Krauss
Computer Simulations of Proton Transfer in Bacteriorhodopsin
Ma, Kan
Kan Ma and Kuan Wang
Titin as a Giant Signaling Molecule in the SH3 Pathway: Interaction of SH3 Domain with the Proline-rich Titin PEVK Segment
Miller, Gregory
G.J. Miller, R. Mattera, J. S. Bonifacino and J. H. Hurley
Structural Basis for Accessory Protein Recognition by the GGA3 GAE Domain
Moon, Kwan-Hoon
K.H. Moon, M.P. Marino, and J.E. Hinshaw
Structural Study on Conformational Changes of Dyniamin-Lipid Tubes upon GTP Hydrolysis
Nahirney, Patrick
Patrick C. Nahirney, Michael Lewis, Victor Chen, Bishow Adhikari and Kuan Wang.
Design and Specialization of a Superfast, High Endurance Sound-Producing Muscle of the Midshipman Type I Male Fish
Ogbureke, Kalu
Ugwa (NIDCR)
K.U.E. Ogbureke, L.W. Fisher
SIBINGs Expression in Salivary Glands
Prag, Gali
G. Prag, S. Misra, E.A. Jones, R. Ghirlando, B.A. Davies, B.F. Horazdovsky, and J.H. Hurley
Mechanism of Recognition and Binding of Monoubiquitin by Vps9p CUE Domain
Schuck, Peter
J. Svitel, A. Balbo, R. Mariuzza, N.R. Gonzales, P.Schuck
Combined affinity and rate constant distributions of ligand populations from experimental surface-binding kinetics and equilibria
Schwieters, Charles
D. (CIT)
Charles D. Schwieters, G. Marius Clore and John J. Kuszewski
Software Tools for Biomolecular NMR Structure Determination
Sefcovic, Natasha
Natasha L. Sefcovic, Aron Marchler-Bauer, Anna R. Panchenko, and Stephen H. Bryant
Fast Core Structure Threading
Sharpe, Simon
S. Sharpe, W-M. Yau, R. Tycko
Solid-State NMR Yields Structural Constraints on the V3 Loop from HIV-1 gp120 Bound to the 447-52D Antibody Fv Fragment
Sheehan, Frances
T. (CC)
F.T. Sheehan, Z.A. Cohen, A.J. Rebmann, W. Lu, N. Mohammed, S.J. Stanhope
Developing Virtual Functional Anatomy for the Exploration of In Vivo Joint Musculoskeletal Dynamics
Speransky, Vladislav
V.V. Speransky, Z. Zhou, D.R. Roop, and A.C. Steven
Immunoelectron Microscopic Localization of Late Envelope Proteins of the XP-5 Family in Rouse Epidermis
Steinbach, Peter
P.J. Steinbach
Protein Structure Prediction using an Implicit Solvent Model and a Biased Conformational Search
Winters, Christine
C.A. Winters, X.-B. Chen, A. Dosemeci, J. Galbraith, T. Talbot, E. Kocsis, R. Leapman, T.S. Reese.
A New Technique for Analyzing Rapid Changes in Molecular Organization at Synapses