Virology |
Biggar, Robert
Biggar R, Whitby D, Marshall V, Engels E, and Goedert J.
Reaching the Limits of PCR in Ascertaining Viral Levels: The Example of HHV-8
Colon-Moran, Winston
W. Colon-Moran, C. Patience, G. Quinn, D. R. Salomon, and C. A. Wilson
Identification of a Human cDNA that Confers Susceptibility to Porcine Endogenous Retrovirus (PERV) Infection in Vero Cells Expressing the PERV-A Receptor
Gemeniano, Malou
M.C. Gemeniano, O. Mpanju and C.A. Wilson
Development and Use of a Binding Assay to Study Entry of Porcine Endogenous Retrovirus PERV-A and PERV-C
Havert, Michael
M. Havert, C. Jacobson, M. Thomson, D. Kastner, and T.J. Liang
Hepatic Gene Expression Profiles During HCV Infection of Chimpanzees
Homma, Shinjiro
S. Homma, V. Chizhikov, M. Wagner, A.Z. Kapikian, Y. Hoshino
VP4 (P) Genotyping of Human Group A Rotaviruses by Oligonucleotide Microarray
Hornung, Felicita
F.Hornung, J.Gibbs, D. Malide, U. Schubert, P. Palese, J. Bennink and J. Yewdell
Characterization of PB1-F2 function in Influenza A Virus Infected Cell and Animals
Krishnan, Vyjayanthi
V. Krishnan and S.L. Zeichner
Host Cell Gene Expression During HIV-1 Latency and Reactivation: Cellular Genes and the Activation of Latent Virus
Lebowitz, Jacob
R.J. Center, J. Lebowitz, R.D. Leapman, B. Moss
Promoting the Trimerization of Soluble HIV-1 Env Through the Use of HIV-1/SIV Chimeras
Ou, Wu
An N-Terminal Heptad Repeat of MLV-TM Inhibits Membrane Fusion by Down-regulating Virus Envelope Protein
Owens, Roland
Arvel (NIDDK)
R. Owens, O. Yarborough, G. Conyers, P. McPhie
A Stable Secondary Structure Flanks the Nicking site for Adeno-Associated Virus Type 2 Rep Proteins on Human Chromosome 19
Puri, Anu
Anu Puri1, S. S. Rawat1, J. Eaton1, T. D. Martin2, S. Ablan3, S. A. Gallo1, M. Viard1, A. Dimitrov, V. N. KewalRamani2, F. W. Ruscetti5, Ji Ming Wang4, R.Blumenthal1; 1LECB, 2HIV-DRP, 3NIAID, 4LMI, 5FBRL, NCI-Frederick
Glycosphingolipids: Gatekeepers For HIV-1 Entry
Raviv, Yossef
Y. Raviv,*, M. Viard,+,and R. Blumenthal,+; *IRSP, SAIC Frederick. +LECB, NCI Frederick
The Dynamics of Fusion of HIV and SIV with Target Cell Membranes: A Proteomics Analysis
Surman, Sonja
S. Surman, J. McAuliffe, J. Newman, J. Riggs, P. Collins, B. Murphy, and M. Skiadopoulos
Codon Substitution Mutations at Two Positions in the L Polymerase Protein of Human Parainfluenza Virus Type 1 Yield Live-Attenuated Candidate Vaccine Viruses with a Spectrum of Attenuation In Vivo and Increased Phenotypic Stability In Vitro
Tang, Shuang
Shuang Tang, Koji Yamanegi and Zhi-Ming Zheng
Requirement of A 12-bp TATT-containing Sequence and Viral Lytic DNA Replication in Activation of the Kaposi’s Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus K8.1 Late Promoter
Tao, Mingfang
Mingfang Tao, Michael Kruhlak and Zhi-Ming Zheng
Signals That Dictate Nuclear Localization of Human Papillomavirus Type 16 Oncoprotein E6 in Living Cells
Whitby, Denise
T. Parks, V. Marshall, B. Conde, and D. Whitby
Detection of Retroviral Reverse Transcriptase Activity by Real-Time PCR: A Sensitive and Reliable Tool for Novel Oncogenic Retrovirus Discovery