Proteomics |
Best, Lionel
Antibody Microarrays for Detection and Quantitation of Specific Proteins
Blonder, Josip
J. Blonder, A. Terunuma, B.G. Stiles, M. Hale, H.J. Issaq, T.P. Conrads, J.C. Vogel and T.D. Veenstra
A Simple Method for Solution-Based Global and Targeted Membrane Proteomics
Conrads, Thomas
T.P. Conrads, D.A. Lucas, Z. Xiao, R.S. Tirumalai, K.C. Chan, M. Zhou, G.M. Janini, C. Schaefer, K. Beutow, H.J. Issaq, T.D. Veenstra
Global Proteomic Analysis of Human Serum
Huang, Bill
B. Huang and H-Y. Kim
Exploring 3D Structure of Protein Using Chemical Cross-Linking and Mass Spectrometry
Issaq, Haleem
Jeries (NCI)
Haleem J. Issaq, King C. Chan, Li-Rong Yu, Thomas P. Conrads, George M. Janini, and Timothy D. Veenstra
Fractionation and Separation Tools for Proteomic Research
Moharram, Ramy
E. Caputo, R. Moharram and B.M. Martin
Methods for On-chip Protein Analysis
Nishizuka, Satoshi
S. Nishizuka1, S. Major1, L. Charboneau2, L. Young3, W. Reinhold1, P. Munson3, S. Hewitt2, M. Raffeld2, E. F. Petricoin III4, L. A. Liotta2, and J. N. Weinstein1; 1GBG, LMP, NCI; 2LP, NCI; 3ABS, MSCL, CIT, NIH; 4CBER, FDA
Quantitative Protein Expression Profiling of the NCI-60 Cancer Cell Lines using “Reverse Phase” Protein Lysate Microarrays
Rajnarayanan, Rajendram
R. V. Rajnarayanan, K. Wang
Ion-pair Assisted Recovery: A Method to Obtain of MALDI-MS Signals from Protein/Peptide Mixtures Containing SDS
Stevens, Ellen
Virginia (NCI)
Ellen Stevens, Satoshi Nishizuka, Smitha Antony, Lynn Young, Peter Munson, Glenda Kohlhagen, Sylvia Major, Rick Wood, Beate Koeberle, Jareer Kassis, Angela Patton, Mahrukh Hussain, John Weinstein, Yves Pommier, and Elise Kohn
Ecteinascidin 743 and Nucleotide Excision Repair: A Translational and Clinical Study In Ovarian Cancer
Suh, Soo-Kyung
S.-K. Suh, B. J. Kim, B. J. Song
Oxidative Modification of Mitochondrial Proteins after Exposure of Hepatoma Cells to Ethanol
Veenstra, Timothy
T.D. Veenstra, L.R. Yu, K.C. Chan, D.A. Lucas, C. Schaefer, K. Beutow, T.P. Conrads
Proteomic Characterization of Cortical Neurons by Multidimensional Chromatography Coupled with Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Woods, Amina
Sarah (NIDA)
A.S. Woods, J.A. Schultz
Detection of Drugs of Abuse in Biological Matrices using Ion-Mobility MALDI
Xiao, Zhen
Z. Xiao, G. Izmirlian, A. Umar, T. P. Conrads, P. M. Lynch, E. T. Hawk, P. Greenwald, T. D. Veenstra, I. U. Ali
Serum Proteomic Profiling Analysis of FAP Patients in the Celecoxib Colon Cancer Prevention Clinical Trial
Yu, Li-Rong
L.R. Yu, M.D. Johnson, T. Uo, K.C. Chan, R.S. Morrison, T.D. Veenstra, T.P. Conrads
Quantitative Proteomic Analysis of Cortical Neuron Cell Death