Imaging |
Bednarski, Mark
David (CC)
Samira Guccione *, John Hood †, Ricardo Frausto †, David Cheresh †, Mark Bednarski *
Imaging Tumor Angiogenesis for Developing Vascular Targeted Gene Therapy
Bitter, Ingmar
R. M. Summers, MD, Ph.D., J. Yao, Ph.D., I. Bitter, Ph.D., B. Wise, B.S., R.T., (R)(MR), F. Tulloch, B.S., R.T., (R)(CT)(M), F. Garcia, B.S., R.T.
CIPS: Clinical Image Processing Service
Butman, John
A (CC)
A.J. Rebmann, J.A. Butman
Heterogeneity of MR Signal Intensity Mapped onto Brain Surface Models
Campos, Maria
Mercedes (NEI)
M.M. Campos1, R.N. Fariss1, and W.G. Robison, Jr.1, NEI, NIH, Bethesda, MD1
Novel Techniques for Imaging Retinal Vessels Using Whole Retinas After Long Term Fixation
Chernomordik, Victor
I. Gannot,V.Chernomordik, A.Garashi, A.Gandjbachkhe
Quantitative Optical Imaging and 3-D Localization of Exogeneous Specific Markers, Conjugated to Squamous Cell Carcinoma Deeply Embedded Inside the Turbid Medium
Clauss, Sarah
Ballow (NHLBI)
S.B. Clauss, C.W. Lo
Novel Imaging of Mouse Coronary Artery Anomalies by Micro-CT Scanning and Three Dimensional Reconstruction
Courcoutsakis, Nikos
A. (CC)
N.A.Courcoutsakis1, S.G.Stergiopoulos2, I.Bordeau2, N.J.Patronas1, C.A.Stratakis2; 1 Dept of Diagnostic Radiology,CC; 2 Section on Endocrinology Genetics, Developmental Endocrinology Branch, NICHD
Carney Complex: Clinical Criteria and Pictorial Assay of Imaging Findings
Courcoutsakis, Nikos
A. (CC)
N.J.Patronas1, N.A.Courcoutsakis1, J.A.Butman1, R.Chang1, S.Stergiopoulos2, M.Koby1, C.A.Stratakis2; (1) Department of Diagnostic Radiology, CC;. (2) Section on Endocrinology Genetics (SGEN), DEB, NICHD
Spoiled Gradient Recalled Acquisition: An Accurate MRI Technique to Detect Adrenocorticotropin-Secreting Pituitary Tumors in Children
Garraux, Gaëtan
G. Garraux, S.L.Talagala, P. Rowser, M. Hallett
Relative Increases and Decreases in Brain Perfusion During Unimanual Sequential Finger Movements: A Random Effect Analysis of ASL fMRI Data
Greiner, Elisabeth
E. Greiner, M-J. Lee, E.M. Jagoda, C. Contoreggi, C-H.K. Kao, L.P. Szajak, P. Gold, G. Chrousos, W.C. Eckelman, A. E. Jacobson and K.C. Rice
Design and Synthesis of a Non-Peptide Small Molecule as an Imaging Tracer to Monitor the Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone (CRH) Type 1 Receptor (CRHR1)
Hassan, Moinuddin
M. Hassan, D. Hattery, A. Vogel, V. Chernomordik, K. Aleman, K. Wyvill, L. Merced, R. Little, R. Yarchoan, A. H. Gandjbakhche
Noninvasive Multi-Modality Imaging Techniques to Assess Angiogenesis Associated with Kaposi's Sarcoma
Hunter, Finie
Kisha (CC)
F. Hunter, C. Trimble, M. Bur, J. Xie, and K. Li
Rhodamine-Lectin Vivo Labeling-Guided Laser Capture Microdissection of Mouse Xenograft Angiogenesis Endothelial Cells
Iordanescu, George
G Iordanescu, R M. Summers
Rectal Tube Detection in CT Colonography
Jin, Albert
J (OD)
A.J. Jin, S.-L. Niu, E.J. Choi, P.D. Smith, B.J. Litman
Visualizing Single Rhodopsin (a G Protein-Coupled Receptor) Molecules in Vision Membranes via Atomic Force Microscopy
Kim, B. Moon
B. Moon Kim and Kenner C. Rice
Design, Synthesis and Evaluation of Novel Non-peptide Ligands for Autoradiographic Visualization of Corticoportin Releasing Horomone Type I Receptors
Lee, Jung Hee
J.H. Lee, A.C. Silva, H. Merkle, A.P. Koretsky
Manganese Distribution and Dose Dependent Contrast in High Resolution Manganese Enhanced MRI (MEMRI) in Mouse Brain
Lutz, Robert
J. (OD)
R.J. Lutz, H. Kim, M. Lizak, G. Tansey, M. Robinson, N. Wang
Study of Ocular Transport of Drugs from Sustained Release Implants
Saad, Ziad
Z.S. Saad, B.D. Argall, M.S. Beauchamp, S.A. Japee, R.W. Cox
Standard Meshes for Inter- and Intra-Subject Surface-Based Analysis with Minimal Interpolation
Scher, Ann
Scher AI, E.S.C. Korf (Vrije UMC, NL), Hartley S, Launer LJ
An Epidemiologic Approach to Automatic Post-Processing of Brain MRI
Silva, Afonso
A.C. Silva, J. H. Lee, I. Aoki, A. P. Koretsky
Cortical Laminar Architecture Revealed by Manganese-Enhanced MRI
Ursea, Roxana
R Ursea, RB Nussenblatt, JA Smith, LM Ayres, RC Caruso, HN Sen, RR Buggage
The Role of Ultrasound Biomicroscopy in Assessment of Patients with Anterior Segment Ocular Inflammatory Disease
Vogel, Abby
A. Vogel, M. Hassan, D. Hattery, S. Demos, A. Russo, Y. Tao and A. Gandjbakhche
Assessing the Collagen Breakdown after Radiation in Mouse Model using Multi-Modality Imaging Techniques
Xie, Huchen
Xie, H., Li, G., Ning, H., Altemus R., Coleman, C. N. and Miller, R. W.
A New Technique for Three-Dimensional (3D) Volumetric Fusion of
Multi-Modality Medical Images for Conformal Radiation Treatment Planning
Zhang, Yi
Yi Zhang, Alexey G. Mukhin, Olga A. Pavlova, Svetlana. I. Chefer, D. Bruce Vaupel, LaVerne L. Brown, Andrew W. Hall, Varughese Kurian and Andrew G. Horti
Synthesis, Structure-Activity Relationship and Pre-Evaluation of Heteryl Derivatives of A-85380 as Potential Radiotracers for Imaging of Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors (nAChRs) in Extrathalamic Brain Regions by Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
Zhang, Peijun
Peijun Zhang, Jemma Juliani, Jonathan Lefman, William Land, Sophia Smith, Stanton Lee, Richard Leapman, Martin Kessel, Tracey Rouault, Sriram Subramaniam
Electron Tomographic Analysis of Ferritin Distribution in IRP2-/- Knockout Mice