Genetics/Genomics |
Anderson, Tangela
N. Lamparella, Z. Zhou, Gary Jenkins, T. Anderson, K. Neyer, and R.H. Lipsky
Nucleotide Sequence Variation in the Human Tyrosine Kinase B Neurotrophin Receptor Gene (NTRK2)
Buendgen, Nana
Kristin (NCI)
N.K. Buendgen, J.K. Habermann, C. Lundgren, J. Doering, B. Sundelin, R. Broll, H.-P. Bruch, B. Nordstroem, G. Auer, T. Ried
Chromosomal Aberrations Correlate with DNA Ploidy and the Clinical Course of Endometrial Carcinomas
Bussey, Kimberly
K. Bussey, D. Kane, M. Sunshine, S. Narasimhan, S. Nishizuka, W.C. Reinhold, B. Zeeberg, Ajay, and J.N. Weinstein
MatchMiner: A Tool for Batch-Navigating the Gene Identifier Quagmire
Calzone, Kathleen
A. (NCI)
K. Calzone, S. Prindiville, O. Jourkiv, S. Steinberg, P. Soballe, P. Klein, I. Kirsch
Comparison of Group Versus Individual Education and Counseling for Breast Cancer Genetics
Carter, Carole
Denise (NCI)
C.D. Carter, C. Babic, B. Todd, and M.A. Basrai
Molecular Characterization of NORF5/HUG1, a Negative Regulator of the MEC1 Checkpoint Pathway
Chilukuri, Jyothsna
Chilukuri, Lin, Zeeberg, Feng, Wang, Wang, Fojo, Sunshine, Narasimhan, Kane, Reinhold, Lababidi, Bussey, Riss, Barrett, Weinstein
Enhancement of the Useability of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) in Analysis of Gene Expression Microarray Data
Correa-Cerro, Lina
L.S. Correa-Cerro (1), C.A. Wassif (1), L. Kratz (2), R. Kelly (2) and F.D.Porter (1).
Development, Characterization and Treatment of a Hypomorphic SLOS Mouse Model to investigate therapeutic interventions
Edgemon, Keith
Alan (NIDDK)
K Edgemon, M Haluzik, DA Cutler, M.J. Zarnowski, O Gavrilova, ML Reitman, C Londos
Transgenic Mice with Partial Lipodystrophy due to expression of Lamin A or C cDNA containing a Dunnigan-specific mutation
Finch, Thembi
T. Finch, K. Xu, E. Westley, J. Waheed, A. Roy, M. Roy, D. Goldman
Linkage Disequilibrium of the GABRA Cluster Gene on Chromosome 4 with Opiate Addiction in an African American Population
Frankenberger, Casey
C. Frankenberger, U. Urzúa, D. Church, J. Powell, T. Burgess, T. Tawady, L. Gangi and D. Munroe.
aCGH Explorer: a Tool for High Resolution Analysis of Chromosomal Imbalances
Gail, Mitchell
R. M. Pfeiffer, M. H. Gail
Sample Size Calculations for Population and Family Based Case-Control Association Studies on Marker Genotypes
Goldsmith, David
Ryan (NIMH)
David R. Goldsmith, Michael F. Egan, Daniel R. Weinberger, Terry E. Goldberg
Relative Risk of Personality Traits in Siblings of Patients with Schizophrenia
Grant, William
Gerard (NIAAA)
G. Malhotra, W. Grant, K. Xu, R.H. Lipsky, A. Malhotra, D. Goldman
BDNF and DRD2 Functional Loci and Haplotypes in Schizophrenia
Habermann, Jens
K. (NCI)
J. K. Habermann, J. Doering, B. Sundelin, R. Broll, H.-P. Bruch, G. Auer, T. Ried
DNA Cytometry and Comparative Genomic Hybridization define new Subgroup of Breast Carcinomas
Haque, Kashif
Aziz (NCI)
K. Haque, M. Beerman, V. Puri, S. Yadavalli, A. Crenshaw, R. Welch, M. Yeager, B. Packer, M. Garcia-Closas, N. Rothman, S. Chanock, and A. Bergen
Evaluation of Whole Genome Amplification Methods
Hu, Xianzhang
X. Hu, C. Mazzanti, R. H. Lipsky, D. Goldman
Role of a Tetranucleotide Repeat Polymorphism in the First Intron of the Tyrosine Hydroxylase Gene in Expression and Behavioral Phenotypes
Kastenmayer, James
J. Kastenmayer and M. Basrai
Molecular Dissection of the S. cerevisiae Multifunctional Protein Mad1p
Khil, Pavel
P.P. Khil, N.A. Smirnova, P.J. Romanienko and R. D. Camerini-
The Effect Of Meiotic Sex Chromosomes Inactivation On The Chromosomal Distribution Of Male-Biased Genes
Lababidi, Samir
S. Lababidi, U. Shankavaram, W. C. Reinhold, H. Cao, U. Scherf, J. N. Weinstein
Cluster Analysis For Microarray Data
Lin, Mingkuan
Lin, Chilukuri, Zeeberg, Feng, Wang, Wang, Fojo, Sunshine, Narasimhan, Kane, Reinhold, Lababidi, Bussey, Riss, Barrett, Weinstein
Development of a Resource to Provide Flexible Editing of Ontological Relationships and Gene Associations in Molecular Biology Databases
Lipsky, Robert
K. Xu, J. Taubman, J. Hoberman, A.J. Marco, and R.H. Lipsky
Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor Haplotypes and Their Relationship to Drug Dependence
Miller, III, Merrill
MC Miller, III, RS Paules, and DA Bell
Using Expression Profiles to Detect Underlying Epigenetic Variation in Cell Lines
Oh, Kyu Seon
KS. Oh, S. khan, S. Emmert, A.Grachev, T. Ueda, T. Shalavi, H. Inui, C.Baker and K.H. Kraemer
An Identical Mutation in the XPB Helicase Gene in Two Patients with the Xeroderma Pigmentosum/Cockayne Syndrome Complex
Packer, Bernice
B Packer, M Yeager, B Staats, R Welch, A Crenshaw, M Kiley, A Eckert, M Beerman, E Miller, A Bergen, N Rothman, R Strausberg, S Chanock
SNP500Cancer Database: Sequence validation and assay optimization of candidate gene SNPs for molecular epidemiology studies in cancer
Pang, Alan
A. L. Y. Pang, W. Johnson, N. Ravindranath, M. Dym, O. M. Rennert and W. Y. Chan
A Survey of Housekeeping Gene Expression During Germ Cell Development
Pfeiffer, Ruth
R Pfeiffer
E Bura
Classifying Tumors Using Sliced Average Variance Estimation on DNA Microarray Data
Sokolov, Mykyta
M.V. Sokolov, N.A. Smirnova, R.D. Neumann, D.R. Camerini-Otero, I.G. Panyutin
DNA-Microarray Analysis of the Genome-Wide Transcriptional Response to I-125-Induced DNA Damage in Human Cells
Sverdlov, Alexander
A. Sverdlov, I. Rogozin, V. Babenko, E. Koonin
Adaptation of New Introns Though Changes in Splice Site Sequences
Ter-Minassian, Monica
Monica Ter-Minassian, Shirley Tsang, Paola Minghetti, Alisa Goldstein, Donato Calista, Maria Teresa Landi
Genetics of Melanoma Predisposition in an Italian Population
Tomso, Daniel
D.J. Tomso, D.A. Bell
Computational Analysis of Sequence Context at Human Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms
Urzua, Ulises
U. Urzúa, L. Gangi, S. Mayer, K. Roby and D. Munroe. Laboratory of Molecular Technology, SAIC-NCI Frederick, Frederick, MD 21702 and Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS 66160
Transcriptional Profile of Spontaneously Transformed Mouse Ovarian Surface Epithelial Cells Resembles Human Serous and Mucinous Ovarian Carcinoma
Verma, Nidhi
N. Verma and B. Peculis
Role of ITS2 in Pre-rRNA Processing in Yeast
Wan, Honghui
H. Wan, H. Dang, M. D. Waters, A. Haugen, J. Selkirk, B. Van Houten, and R. W. Tennant
Conservation of Responses to Arsenic in Yeast and Human Cells
Weinstein, John
JN Weinstein, KL Bussey, BR Zeeburg, S Kim, S Lababidi, WC Reinhold, S Nishizuka, Ajay, M Sunshine, S Narasimhan, H Cao, P Blower, G Wang, W Feng, P Blower, M Wang, J Riss, CJ Barrett, K Kohn, D Kane
Integromics: Practical, Publicly Available Computer Programs for Analyzing and Integrating Genomic, Proteomic, and Pharmacological Data
Yang, Xiaohong(Rose)
R.X. Yang, M.J. Kelley, M. McMaster, N.J. Liebsch, A.W. Bergen, M. Beerman, K. Haque, A.M. Goldstein, D.M. Parry
Genetic Heterogeneity in Familial Chordoma
Young, Lynn
L. Young, P. E. Kovanen, W. J. Leonard, and P. J. Munson
GLO - Genome Location of Expressed Genes
Zeeberg, Barry
Richard (NCI)
Zeeberg, Chilukuri, Lin, Feng, Wang, Wang, Fojo, Sunshine, Narasimhan, Kane, Reinhold, Lababidi, Bussey, Riss, Barrett, Weinstein
GoMiner: A Resource for Biological Interpretation of Genomic and Proteomic Data
Zhou, Zhifeng
Z Zhou, R Lipsky, D Goldman
Detection and Characterization of Human NPY Gene Variants
Zhu, Guanshan
G. Zhu, Z. Zhou, X. Hu, A.C. Walker, L.A. Akhtar, K. Xu, J. Taubman, D.C. Mash, R.H. Lipsky, and D. Goldman
A Polymorphism in Human NPY Promoter Region Results in Differential Allele Expression