Development |
Becker, Michelle
M.L. Becker, M.L. Schwandt, S.G. Lindell, C.S. Barr, S.J. Suomi, and J.D. Higley
How does Paternal Influence Affect Infant Sociality and Response to Stress in Rhesus Macaques (M. Mulatta)?
Betts, Elizabeth
E.S.Betts, I.N.Krasnova, B.Ladenheim, K.G.Becker, C.F.Hohmann, and J.L.Cadet
Analysis of 6-OHDA-Induced Changes in Gene Expression in the Developing Cortex: Implications for Behavioral Deficits
Coleman, Cynthia
C.M. Coleman, B. Scheremeta, R. S. Tuan
Functional Role of N-cadherin Adhesion and Signaling During Chondrocyte Maturation
Davies, Holly
Gibs (NIDDK)
H.G. Davies and J. Dean
SAGE Analysis to Define Targets of an Oocyte-Specific Transcription Factor, FIGalpha
Di Padova, Monica
M. Di Padova, S. Iezzi, G. Caretti, C. Simone, C. Serra, E. Maklan, P. Zhao, E. P. Hoffman, P.L. Puri and V. Sartorelli.
Follistatin Mediates the Effects of Deacetylase Inhibitors on Skeletal Myogenesis
Dyer, Kimberly
K.D. Dyer, H.F. Rosenberg
Mouse Eosinophil-Associated Ribonucleases - mEar 1 and mEar 2- Are Expressed in the Pregnant Mous Uterus
Hatakeyama, Yuji
Yuji Hatakeyama, Glen H. Nuckolls, Rocky S. Tuan and Lillian Shum
BMP4 Induction of Apoptosis in Limb Bud Mesenchyme is Mediated by MAP Kinase Signaling
Hoodbhoy, Tanya
T. Hoodbhoy, T. Rankin, E.S. Boja, O. Epifano, H.M. Fales, J. Dean
ZP2 Cleavage Model of Sperm Binding to the Murine Zona Pellucida
Kwon, So Yeon
S.Y. Kwon1, P. Badenhorst3, F.J. Martin-Romero1, B.A. Carlson1, B.M. Paterson4, V.N. Gladyshev5, B.J. Lee2,and D.L. Hatfield1. 1BRL, 3LMC and 4LB, CCR, NCI; 2LMG, SNU, Seoul, Korea; and 5Dept. of Biochem., Univ. of Nebraska
The Drosophila Selenoprotein BthD is Required for Survival and Has a Role in Salivary Gland Development
Longart, Marines
M.V. Longart*; Y.- Liu; A. Buonanno . Section on Molecular Neurobiology, NICHD-NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA
Study of the Expression of Neuregulin 1-3 During Different Stages of Brain Development
Lu, Cheng
Cheng B. Lu and Mark P. Mattson
Glutamate-Ca Signaling: Switching from VDCC-Ca to NMDA-Ca During Development in Primary Cultured Rat Hippocampal Neurons
Luo, Yongquan
Yongquan Luo, Jingli Cai, Irene Ginis, Yanyang Sun, Siulan Lee, Sean X. Yu, Ahmet Hoke, and Mahendra Rao
Designing, Testing and Validating a Focused Stem Cell Microarray for Characterization of Neural Stem Cells and Progenitor Cells
Nakamura, Takashi
T. Nakamuara, F. Unda, K.M. Yamada and Y. Yamada
The Krüppel-Like Factor Epiprofin is Expressed by Epithelium of Developing Tooth, Hair Follicle, and Limb Bud, and Promotes Cell Proliferation
Rhodes, Craig
Stuart (NIDCR)
C. S. Rhodes, Y. Liu, Y. Yamada
Analysis of the Link Protein Promoter Uncovers Cryptic Hox Signals Involved in Positional Specification in Limbs
Tayebi, Nahid
Tayebi N1, Feng LX2, Baxendale V1, Wu SM1, Pang ALY1, Dym M2, Chan WY 1,2,3 Rennert OM1; 1Laboratory of Clinical Genomics, NICHD; Departments of 2Cell Biology and 3Pediatrics, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, DC
Using Sage to Confirm a Telomerase Immortalized Spermatogonial Cell Line as an Experimental Model
Tian, E
E Tian, H. C. Hang, L. Shum, S. Koyota, K. G. Ten Hagen, C. Yu, C. R. Bertozzi, L. A. Tabak
Mucin-type O-glycosylation is Required for Early Mandibular Development in Vitro