Cytokines |
Bekisz, Joseph
J. Bekisz, V. Calvert, and K. Zoon
Use of Antibody Microarray to Detect Expression of Signal Transduction Proteins After Cell Treatment with Interferon-Alpha Constructs
Hu, Renqiu
R.Hu, A.X.Yang, R.K.Puri,H.Schmeisser, and K.Zoon
Identification of Differential Gene Regulation by Engineered IFN-as using DNA Microarray
Ingram, Jennifer
Leigh (NIEHS)
J. L. Ingram*, A. B. Rice*, K. Geisenhoffer*, D. K. Madtes#, and J. C. Bonner*; *Lab. of Pulmonary Pathobiology, NIEHS; #Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA
Interleukin-13-Stimulated Lung Myofibroblast Growth is Mediated by Platelet-Derived Growth Factor-AA Via a STAT-6-Dependent Mechanism: Implications for the Development of Airway Fibrosis in Asthma
Khan, Tahira
Tahira Khan, Julie Hixon, Jim Stauffer, Tim Back, Erin Lincoln, and Jon M. Wigginton
The Role of Death-Receptor-Mediated Apoptosis in the Induction of Tumor Regression by IL-12 in a Novel Orthotopic Model of Murine Neuroblastoma
Kioi, Mitomu
M. Kioi, K. Kawakami, and R.K. Puri
Mechanism of Action of Interleukin-13 Antagonist (IL-13E13K) in Cells Expressing Various Types of IL-4R
Schmeisser, Hana
H. Schmeisser(*), P. Kontsek(#), G. Schreiber($), R. Hu(*), K. Zoon(*); (*) NCI, CCR; (#) Institute of Neuroimmunology, SAS, Bratislava, Slovak Republic; ($) The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
Characterization of Interactions Between Interferon Alpha Species and Receptor Subunit IFNAR2-EC