Sensory Systems |
Amaral, Juan
J. Amaral, C Meyer, and S.P. Becerra
Correlation of PEDF Expression with Age in the Monkey Eye
Dougherty, Gerard
G. Dougherty, H. Adler, R. Merritt, Jr., A. Rzadzinska, R. de Azevedo, C. Pompeia, and B. Kachar.
Couplin, a novel 27 kDa protein, links prestin to the actin-spectrin cytoskeleton in sensory hair cells
Kim, Hyung-Suk
H. Kim, J.K. Neubert, A. San-Miguelle, M.J. Iadarola, D. Goldman, R.A. Dionne
Sibling Similarity for Pain Perception and Evidence for a Role for Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPS) in Opioid and Vanilloid Receptor Genes
Kutty, R.
Krishnan (NEI)
R.Kutty, R.N. Fariss, S.Chen, W.Samuel, T.Duncan, C.C. Bridges, A.El-Sherbeny, S.B. Smith, B.Wiggert
Analysis of the Expression of NORPEG Protein in Retinal Pigment Epithelium and Other Ocular Tissues
Neubert, John
J. Neubert, L. Karai, H. Kim, M. Iadarola, R. Dionne
Vanilloid Receptor Inactivation for Preemptive Analgesia
Rajaram, Shanta
S Rajaram and H.A.Nash
Comparing the effect of two general anesthetics on visual physiology of Drosophila
Redmond, T.Michael
A. Boulanger, P. McLemore, N. G. Copeland, D. J. Gilbert, N. A. Jenkins, S. Gentleman, T. M. Redmond
Beta-carotene 15, 15’–Monooxygenase is a Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor Target Gene
Rzadzinska, Agnieszka
Katarzyna (NIDCD)
Radzinska A., I.M. Schneider, B. Kachar
Rapid Renewal of Auditory Sensory Stereocilia
Tsai, Jen-Yue
J. Y. Tsai, R N. Fariss, T.Yamamoto and F.I.Hickman
Characterization of transgenic mice expressing GFP in mural cells and retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells in retina.
Wellisch, Ofer
Ofer M. Wellisch MPH, Albert Kingman Ph.D., John Neubert, D.D.S., Ph.D., David Goldman M.D., Raymond Dionne, D.D.S., Ph.D., Michael J. Iadarola Ph.D.
Predictive Modeling and Analysis of Experimental and Clinical Pain using Traditional Regression Methods and Complex Computer Intensive Automated Algorithms
Wistow, Graeme
G. Wistow, S. Bernstein, D. Smith, K. Wyatt, K. Peterson, A. Behal, J. Gao, P. Buchoff.
A project for ocular bioinformatics: NEIBank
Yunden, Jinsmaa
Yu. Jinsmaa, Y. Okada, Y. Tsuda, T. Yokoi, Y. Sasaki, A. Ambo, R. Konishi, M. Nagata, S. D. Bryant,S. Salvadori, L. H. Lazarus
Potent antinociceptive effect by novel mu-opioidmimetic substance