Neurobiology and Behavior |
Brooks, PJ
J. Ahn, C. Marietta, and P.J. Brooks
Expression of The ATM-Regulated Cell-Cycle Checkpoint Gene Rad9 in The Adult Rodent Brain
Calderon, Frances
F. Calderon and H-Y Kim
Docosahexaenoic But Not Arachidonic or Docosapentanoic Acid Enhances Neuronal Differentiation In Hippocampal Cultures
Comer, Frank
Irvin (NCI)
F. Comer and C. Parent
The Role of CRAC in Directional Sensing and Chemotaxis
Deng, Xiaolin
X Deng, S Jayanthi, B Ladenheim, I Krasnova and JL Cadet
Mice with Partial Deficiency of c-Jun Show Attenuation of Methamphetamine-Induced Neuronal Apoptosis
DiPietrantonio, Anna
A.M. DiPietrantonio, M. Sharrow, and F.F. Davidson.
Hid is Required for the Induction of Neuronal Degeneration by Dominant Rhodopsin Mutants
Einat, Haim
H. Einat, G. Chen, H.K. Manji
Behavioral evidence for the Involvement of the Extracellular Signal-regulated Kinase (ERK) Pathway in Mood Modulation
Florival-Victor, Thierry
T.M. Florival-Victor, N. Morales, X. Zeng, W.J. Freed
Labeling of the AF5 Cell Line with PKH26 to Identify Cell Profiles in Co-Culture Experiments and Differentiation of AF5 Cells to Gabaergic Neurons
Goeb, Michellle
Lynn (NIDA)
M.L.Goeb, F.S.Hall, and G.R.Uhl
Gene knockout of the m opiate receptor (MOR) reduces the rewarding effects of cocaine
Hall, Frank
Scott (NIDA)
FS Hall, S Axelrad, M Goeb, I Sora, R Hen, GR Uhl
Cocaine’s locomotor stimulation can be restored to dopamine transporter knockout mice by heterozygous serotonin receptor 1B deletion
Heiss, John
David (NINDS)
J. Heiss, S. Walbridge, R. Hampton, S. Sato, A. Vortmeyer, P. Morrison, J. Butman, P. Vidwan, E. Oldfield
Prolonged perfusion of the primate hippocampus with muscimol
Jezova, Miroslava
M. Jezova, H. Yamakawa, H. Ando and J. M. Saavedra
Beneficial effect of Angiotensin II AT1 receptor antagonist on cerebral ischemia: role of arterial remodeling and nitric oxide synthases.
Jurkovicova, Dana
D. Jurkovicova, A.E. Gioio, S.K. Kalra, B.B. Kaplan
Novel Mitochondrial-Associated Protein is Preferentially Expressed in Squid Neurons and is Enriched in Presynaptic Nerve Terminals.
Katz, Jonathan
J. Katz , A. Chausmer, G. Elmer, M. Rubinstein, M. Low, and D. Grandy
Cocaine-induced Locomotor Activity and Cocaine Discrimination in Dopamine D4 Receptor Mutant Mice
Lockard, Jon
Z. Scotto, J. Lockard, D. Jurkovicova, S. Kalra, M. Tessema, A. Gioio, B. Kaplan
Isolation and Characterization of a Novel Phosphotyrosine Binding Protein Expressed in the Squid and Mouse Nervous Systems
Maeng, Sungho
S. Maeng, K. Nagashima, K. Kiang, S. Varghese, L. Shen
Linking senile dementia with renal insufficiency in Gdnf+/- mice
Mills, Chmaika
Pecolyer (NIDA)
C. Mills, F.S. Scott, S. Harmon, G. Uhl
Implications of Voluntary Ethanol Consumption Followed by Conditioned Place Preference in Vesicular Monoamine Transporter (VMAT2) Knockout Mice
Ochalski, Pawel Ochalski
P. G. Ochalski*, A. Pramatarova, S. DeJackome*, K.T. Min and B W. Howell; *HHMI-NIH Research Scholar
Expression of a dominant allele of mouse disabled-1 in the Drosophila nervous system
Osei-Hyiaman, Douglas
D. Osei-Hyiaman, M. Dipetrillo, J. Liu, B. Cravatt, G. Kunos
The Role of Endocannabinoids in Food Intake and Body Weight Control
Payne, Jennifer
J. Payne, C. Zarate, K. Denicoff, J. Quiroz, J. Sporn, L. Jolkovsky, C.Kagan, N. Farzad, H. Manji
Riluzole: An investigation of the antidepressant efficacy of an antiglutamatergic agent with neurotrophic properties
Perruccio, Elizabeth
Maria (NEI)
E. M. Perruccio*, L.L.S. Rowlette+, N.A. Balko*, S. P. Becerra*and T. Borrás+; *NEI, LRCMB; +Dept Ophthalmology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC
Dexamethasone Increases Expression of Pigment Epithelium Derived Factor (PEDF) in Perfused Human Anterior Segments from Post-Mortem Donors Eyes
Robbins, Kathlyn
Louise (NICHD)
K. Robbins, C. Berman, M. Laudenslager, I. Turrio, B. DeVinney, S. Suomi
Individual differences in behavior and physiology of rhesus monkey mothers and offspring on Cayo Santiago
Sachs, Bonnie
Colleen (NINDS)
B.C. Sachs, B. Xu, L.M. Balsamo, B.D. Fantie, W.D. Gaillard
Brain activation during visual word comprehension in unskilled readers: An fMRI study of language development in children
SanGiovanni, John Paul
J.P. SanGiovanni
Duration and Exclusivity of Human Milk Feeding and Performance on the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test at School-Age
Senior, Carl
C.Senior, A. Martin and J. Haxby
Mathematical Modeling of Dynamic Facial Expressions
Shah, Bukhtiar
B.H.Shah, K.J.Catt
Dependence of GnRH-induced Neuronal MAP Kinase Signaling on EGF receptor Transactivation
Sharrow, Mary
M. Sharrow, A.M. DiPietrantonio, F.F. Davidson
Opsin Point Mutations in Drosophila melanogaster and the One-hit Model of Neuronal Degeneration
Sust, Steven
S. Sust, J. Callicott, V. Mattay, B. Verchinski, D. Weinberger
Areas of activation in N-back strategy: Contrasting Sub-vocal Speech and Spatial Positioning
Weerasinghe, Gayani
F. Bosetti, G. Weerasinghe, T.A. Rosenberger, and S.I. Rapoport
Valproic acid downregulates the conversion in rat brain of arachidonic acid to eicosanoids via cyclooxygenase-1 and 2: Relevance to its efficacy against bipolar disorder
Wei, Qize
Q. Wei, C. Liu, Z-X. Yu, and R. S. Adelstein
Specific ablation of nonmuscle myosin heavy chain II-B in the mouse nervous system
Whittington, Kevin
Clifford (NIA)
K.C. Whittington, K. Jozwiak, R. Moaddel, I.W. Wainer
The Comparison Of Two Subtypes Of The Neuronal Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor (alpha3/beta2 and alpha3/beta4) Using Nonlinear Affinity Chromatography Technique For The Screening Of Non-Competitive Inhibitors
Zhou, Rulun
R. Zhou, P. Damschroder-Williams, P. Yuan, G. Chen, H. K Manji; Laboratory of Molecular Pathophysiology
Microarray Studies Reveal Novel Targets for the Treatment of Bipolar Disorder