Apoptosis |
Akbar, Mohammed
M. Akbar, Z. Wen and HY. Kim
Effect of N-3 fatty acid deficiency on neuronal apoptosis via modification of cell membrane
Bae, Myung Ae
Myung Ae Bae and Byoung J. Song
Critical Role of c-Jun N-Terminal Protein Kinase Activation in Troglitazone-Induced Apoptosis of Human HepG2 Cells
Kobayashi, Scott
Douglas (NIAID)
S.D. Kobayashi, J.M. Voyich, K.R. Braughton, and F.R. DeLeo
Down-Regulation of Pro-Inflammatory Capacity During Apoptosis in Human Polymorphoncuclear Leukocytes
Liu, Dong
Dong Liu*, Sic L. Chan*, John R. Slevin and Mark P. Mattson; Laboratory of Neurosciences, NIA
Neuroprotective Effects of Mitochondrial Uncoupling Protein-4
Seong, Yeon-Sun
Y.S. Seong, S.Y. Kim, K.Kim, H.H. Chung, and K.S. Lee
A Novel Cdk inhibitor, BMI-1026, Inhibits Cell Cycle Progression and Induces Apoptosis in Human U-2 OS Cells.
Speransky, Vladislav
V.V.Speransky(1), K.S.Suh(2), E.Fernández-Salas(2), S.H.Yuspa(2), A.C.Steven(1); (1) Laboratory of Structural Biology Research, NIAMS, (2) Laboratory of Cellular Carcinogenesis and Tumor Promotion, NCI
mtCLIC/CLIC4, a chloride channel protein, participates in apoptosis and is localized to the inner membrane of mitochondria
Strunnikova, Nataly
Valery (NEI)
N. Strunnikova, J. Baffi, C. Zang, D. Teichberg K. Becker and K. Csaky
Sublethal Oxidative Injury Response in Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cell (ARPE-19).
Wang, Xiaoyan
Xy Wang, Rh Wang, Xl Xu, Wm Li, Wh Qiao, Cx Deng
Exencephaly, genetic instability, and centrosome amplification in the absence of both Gadd45 and Brca1 full length isoform
Wen, Zhiming
Z.M.Wen,F.Calderon and H.Y.Kim
Effects of Fetal Ethanol Exposure on Phosphatidylserine Content and Apoptotic Cell Death in Rat Hippocampal Neurons
Zhang, Congxiao
C. Zhang, N.,J.,Caplen, N. Strunnikova, J. Baffi, S.W. Cousins, K.G. Csaky ,
Role Of C-Flip In Regulating The Susceptibility Of Human Retinal Pigment Epithelium (Hrpe) To Tumor Necrosis Factor – a (TNF-a) Induced Cell Death.