Poster Session 3
IMAG-1 Camphausen, Kevin A (NCI) K. Camphausen, C. Menard, N. Donoghue, P.Hogg
  In vivo tumor imaging using a near-infrared labeled probe
IMAG-2 Chong, Joy (NCI) H.S.Chong, K. Garmestani, L. H. B., Jr., M. W. Brechbiel
  Synthesis of DTPA Analogues Derived From Piperidine and Azepane.: Potential Contrast Enhancement Agents For Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
IMAG-3 Marcos, Hani B. (CC) H.B.Marcos, V. B. Ho, T.K.F. Foo, M.N. Hood, P.L.Choyke
  3D Steady State Free Precession (3D-FIESTA) Imaging of The Pancreaticobiliary Ductal System
IMAG-4 Peters, Dana C (NHLBI) DC Peters,DB Ennis, ER McVeigh
  Ultra high resolution True FISP projection reconstruction imaging for cardiac function evaluation
IMAG-5 Saad, Ziad S. (NIMH) Z.S. Saad(1,2), K.M. Ropella(2), E.A. DeYoe(3), P.A. Bandettini(1); (1)NIH (2)Biomedical Engineering, Marquette University, WI (3)Cellular Biology and Anatomy, Medical College of Wisconsin. Milwaukee, WI, USA
  Extensive Expansion of FMRI Activation Volume with Scan Averaging
IMAG-6 Sarlis, Nicholas John (NIDDK) N.J. Sarlis, L.C. Guthrie, B. Galen, M.C. Skarulis, T.H. Shawker, N.J. Patronas, J.C. Reynolds
  111-In-DTPA-Octreotide Scintigraphy (SRS) Is A Sensitive Method For Disease Detection In Metastatic Thyroid Cancer (THYRCA): Comparison With 18-F-Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)-Positron Emission Tomography (PET) And Conventional Radiologic Imaging (CRI)
IMAG-7 Weinstein, Brant M (NICHD) S. Isogai, N. D. Lawson, S. Torrealday, and B. M. Weinstein
  Dynamic imaging of intersegental blood vessel formation in living transgenic zebrafish