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NIH RESEARCH FESTIVAL October 10-13, 2000
Mini-Symposia Program

Wednesday, October 11
2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Mini-Symposia Session I - Natcher Conference Center

Mechanisms of Blood Pressure Regulation and Dysregulation
Mark Knepper, NHLBI, Juergen Schnermann, NIDDK
Balcony B

Endocannabinoids and Related Lipid Mediators
George Kunos, NIAAA, Miles Herkenham, NIMH
Conference Room F1/F2

Acquired Mitochondrial Toxicities
Marinos Dalakas, NINDS
Balcony A

DNA Polymerases, Helicases, Nucleases, and Genomic (in)Stability
Vilhelm Bohr, NIA, Roger Woodgate, NICHD
Conference Room E1/E2

The Cell Cycle
Mary Lilly, NICHD, Orna Cohen-Fix, NIDDK
Main Auditorium

Development and Degeneration of Glial Cells
Vittorio Gallo, NICHD, Lynn Hudson, NINDS
Balcony C


Chaired by Mark Knepper, NHLBI, and Juergen Schnermann, NIDDK
Balcony B

The minisymposium would focus on the molecular bases for the roles of the kidney and vascular smooth muscle in regulation of arterial blood pressure. Emphasis is on molecular analysis of Na transporter function and regulation, use of knockout models, and novel approaches to study of hypertensive mediators.


Structure and Function of Na-K-ATPase
Jean-Daniel Horisberger ,CIT

Renal Function in Fluid and NaCl Malabsorption States: Insights from Gene Knockouts
Juergen Schnermann, NIDDK

Regulation of the Epithelial Na Transporter (ENaC) and Thiazide-sensitive Cotransporter in Kidney
Mark Knepper, NHLBI

Impaired Endothelial Regulation of Vascular Tone in Patients with Systemic Arterial Hypertension
Julio Panza, NHLBI

Chaired by George Kunos, NIAAA, and Miles Herkenham, NIMH
Conference Room F1/F2

Endogenous cannabinoids are recently discovered lipid mediators with important neuronal as well as peripheral actions. The symposium will review emerging knowledge about cannabinoid receptors (CNS distribution, mechanisms of coupling), and the possible biological functions of endocannabinoids (e.g. peripheral control of vascular tone, control of food intake) and the related lipid mediator oleamide (role in sleep-induction).


Cannabinoid Receptor Localization: Contrasts with Other G Protein Coupled Receptors
Miles Herkenham, NIMH

Agonist Selective G Protein Activation: Implications for Endocannabinoid Signaling
John Northup,NIDCD

Oleamide, the All Natural, Lubricating Hypnotic
Anthony Basile, NIDDK

Novel Physiologic Functions of Endocannabinoids
George Kunos, NIAAA

Chaired by Marinos Dalakas, NINDS
Balcony A

Mitochondrial dysfunction is involved in the pathogenesis of many genetic and clinically acquired diseases. This session will cover the pathologies engendered by antiviral nucleotide analogs on mitochondrial DNA and the replication enzymes, animal models investigating these toxicities, viral effects on apoptosis dependent and independent of mitochondrial function, the environmental aspects of mitochondrial toxicity, and the monitoring and management of mitochondrial toxicities. The importance of mitochondria in disease progression will be highlighted.


Introduction, Discovery of Acquired Mitochondrial Toxicity
Marinos Dalakas, NINDS

Mitochondrial DNA Polymerase Inhibition by Antiviral Drugs
Susan Lim, NIEHS

AZT Acquired Cardiomyopathies in HIV-1 Pediatric Patients
Lauren Wood, NCI

Mammalian Oxidative mtDNA Damage and Repair
Nadja Souza-Pinto, NIA

Caspase-dependent Apoptosis is Required for Permissive Infection of Aleutian Mink Disease Parvovirus (ADV) in vitro
Sonja Best, NIAID

Summary, Environmental Toxicology and Loose Ends
Steve Zullo, NIMH and Mariana Gerschenson, NCI

Chaired by Vilhelm Bohr, NIA and Roger Woodgate, NICHD
Conference Room E1/E2

Currently there is dramatic development in understanding the role of DNA polymerases, helicases, and nucleases in replication fidelity, genomic stability, aging, and cancer. Many new DNA polymerases are being discovered and defects in these are associated with human disease. It is also evident that DNA repair and DNA replication are very closely associated with each other and also with a number of other cellular processes. Connections can be made between the biochemistry in vitro and the cellular biology and pathology.


Werner Syndrome Protein
Vilhelm A. Bohr, NIA

Role of DNA Polymerases
Roger Woodgate, NICHD

Studies on Mammalian, Specialized Polymerases
Kasia Bebenek, NIEHS

Mismatch Recognition and Repair: from Structure to Mechanism
Wei Yang, NIDDK

Chaired by Mary Lilly (NICHD) and Orna Cohen-Fix (NIDDK)
Main Auditorium

The regulation of proliferation and growth is fundamental to the life cycle of all organisms. Research over the past two decades has revealed tremendous evolutionary conservation in the molecular mechanisms that govern cell cycle progression. This session will focus on recent progress in understanding the regulation of various cell cycle processes including DNA replication, mitotic progression and cell division. In addition, we will discuss how components of the cell cycle machinery can serve as targets for cancer therapy.


Cyclin Dependent Kinases as Targets for Cancer Therapy
Adrian Senderowicz, NICDR

The Initiation of DNA Replication in the b-globin Locus
Mirit Aladjem, NCI

A Small Ubiquitin Related Protein, Sumo-1, in the Metazoan Cell Cycle
Yoshi Azuma, NICHD

Mutants that Disrupt the Metaphase-to-Anaphase Transition in C. elegans
Andy Golden, NIDDK

Essential Role of the Polo-box of Polo Kinase during M Phase Progression
Kyung Lee, NCI

Chaired by Vittorio Gallo, NICHD, and Lynn Hudson, NINDS
Balcony C

This minisymposium will discuss glial cell proliferation, differentiation, and pathology in a variety of vitro and in vivo models. The main topics will include control of glial cell cycle, glial development, neuron-glial signaling and demyelination. The speakers will make an effort to link pathological aspects to disruption of normal developmental events.


A Human Neurotropic Polyomavirus, JC Virus, Distinguishes between Human Glial and Neuronal Lineage Progenitor Cells
Conrad Messam, NINDS

Regulation of Schwann Cell Development by Action Potentials
Douglas Fields, NICHD

Regulation of Oligodendrocyte Progenitor Proliferation and Differentiation
Vittorio Gallo, NICHD

Oligodendroglial Repopulation of Demyelinated Lesions
Regina Armstrong, NINDS and USUHS

Neuronal Responses to Demyelination
Gabor Lovas, NINDS

Thursday, October 12
2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Mini-Symposia Session II - Natcher Conference Center

Chromatin Structure, Gene Regulation and Boundary Elements -
David Clark, NIDDK, Chair
Balcony B

Protein Analyses and Proteomics: Emerging Methods in Mass
Sanford Markey, NIMH
Balcony A

Membrane Microdomains
Teresa Jones, NIDDK, Ira Levin, NIDDK
Balcony C

Protein Trafficking and Disease
Harris Bernstein, NIDDK, Peng Loh, NICHD
Conference Room E1/E2

Eureka! - The Scientific Discovery Behind Today’s Medical Products
Steven Ferguson, OTT
Conference Room F1/F2

The Science of Alternative Medicine
Stephen Straus, NCCAM, Jeffrey D. White, NCI
Main Auditorium


Chaired by David Clark, NIDDK
Balcony B

This mini-symposium will review the latest exciting developments in the chromatin field, which is very well represented at NIH. The emphasis will be on the roles of chromatin remodeling complexes and histone acetylation in gene regulation and boundary element function. The speakers are from chromatin labs on campus.


Acetylation of a Specific Promoter Nucleosome accompanies Activation of the e-globin Gene
Ann Dean, NIDDK

Dynamics of Chromatin Remodeling by the Glucocorticoid Receptor
Tracy Fletcher, NCI

Activator-dependent Nucleosome Re-positioning on the Yeast CUP1 Gene"
David Clark, NIDDK

Sir1 and Transcriptional Silencing in Yeast
Rohinton Kamakaka, NICHD

Vertebrate Insulators Proteins and Functions
Adam West, NIDDK

Regulation of both Chromatin Interactions and Nuclear Import of HMG-14/-17 Proteins by Site Specific Mitotic Phoshorylation
Marta Prymakowska-Bosak NCI


Chaired by S.P. Markey, NIMH
Balcony A

Mass spectrometric methods have been evolving that permit high speed and sensitive identification of known proteins and partial sequences of unknown proteins. These methods will be of increasing importance in functional proteomics and structural analyses of sub-cellular protein complexes. The protein complement of a cell at a given time and condition is named the ‘proteome’ in analogy with the term ‘genome’. Unlike the genome, a cellular proteome continuously changes with regard to developmental and environmental context. The convergence of bioinformatics and analytical methods has permitted biological scientists to tackle problems in proteomics and protein partnering. This mini-symposium will provide an introduction to methods being developed and applied at NIH for protein and related analyses by mass spectrometry.


Targeted Proteomics: Methods for the Isolation and Quantitative Analysis of Phosphopeptides by Mass Spectrometry
Jeffrey Kowalak, NIMH

Determination of Non-covalent Protein Interactions Using MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry
Amina Woods, NIDA

Characterization of Protein-protein Interactions by Mass Spectrometry
Kenneth Tomer, NIEHS

Characterization of Lipid-protein Interactions by Surface Plasmon Resonance and Mass Spectrometry
Hee-Yong Kim, NIAAA

Identification of Post-translational Modifications in Heavily Glycosylated Proteins
Lewis Pannell, NIDDK

Comparisons Between Electrospray and Maldi Mass Spectrometry in the Solution of Protein Identifications
Henry M. Fales, NHLBI

Cysteine Alkylation: a Tool in Proteomics
Salvatore Sechi, NIA

Determining Protein Purity and Homogeneity from Mass Spectra
Alfred Yergey, NICHD

Chaired by Teresa Jones and Ira W. Levin, NIDDK
Balcony C

Cell membranes are the sites of protein interactions for many cellular functions such as signal transduction, membrane traffic and cell motility. The organization of proteins and lipids within membrane microdomains is an important means to understanding the complexity of these protein interactions. Recent studies show that one type of membrane microdomain, formed by the association of cholesterol and sphingolipids, is the target for certain signaling proteins. This mini-symposium will address the characteristics and function of membrane microdomains by presenting work from a number of disciplines to encourage future discussions and collaborations.


Membrane Microdomains Overview
Teresa L.Z. Jones, NIDDK

LAT, Rafts and Membrane Spreading
Lawrence E. Samelson, NICHD

Carboxypeptidase E, Regulated Secretion and Lipid Rafts
Savita Dhanvantari, NICHD

NMR Evidence for Existence of Microdomains in Polyunsaturated Neural Membranes
Klaus Gawrisch, NIAAA

Lateral Domain Formation in Bilayers Containing Polyunsaturated Phospholipids:
A Requirement for Both Receptor and Cholesterol
Burton J. Litman, NIAAA

Membrane Fusion Mediated by Influenza HA: The Role of Rafts
Mukesh Kumar, NICHD

Chaired by Harris Bernstein, NIDDK and Peng Loh, NICHD
Conference Room E1/E2

The primary purpose of this mini-symposia is to illustrate how the improper sorting, modification or processing of proteins and other molecules can lead to disease.


Regulation and Dysregulation of Protein Translocation in Human Disease
Dr. Manu Hegde, NCI

Pathophysiology of Proinsulin Subcellular Trafficking in Familial Hyperproinsulinemia
Dr. Peng Loh, NICHD

Glycan-Dependent Intracellular Signalling and Diabetes Mellitus
Dr. John Hanover, NIDDK

Defective Ribosomal Products: An Abundant Source of Peptide Ligands for MHC Class I Molecules?
Dr. Jon Yewdell, NIAID

Molecular Defects in the ABCA1 Transporter Leads to Defective Intracellular Lipid Trafficking in Tangier Disease
Dr. Alan Remaley, CC

Chaired by Steven M. Ferguson. Office of Technology Transfer
Conference Room F1/F2

Scientists in the NIH intramural research program dedicate their careers to discovery, uncovering new knowledge that leads to better health for everyone. Most often their work results in scientific publications. Sometimes their work results in patentable discoveries that form the basis for new vaccines or drug products. These discoveries are transferred to the private sector for commercialization into products through the process of technology transfer. A recent General Accounting Office (GAO) report on the technology transfer activities of six major U.S. Government agencies stated that, since 1996, NIH has generated 95% of the total royalties received by all of the agencies. Over 1200 license agreements, which govern the terms of commercialization for a particular invention, have been signed by the NIH Office of Technology Transfer since 1993. This symposium will feature both current and former NIH investigators whose discoveries have contributed significantly to this NIH public health success story. These scientists will share their journeys, sometimes traveled over serendipitous and difficult roads, from initial discovery to seeing their ideas commercialized into products.


The Rocky Road to Developing the Hepatitis A Vaccine
Robert J. Purcell, NIAID

Uncovering Secrets of Retroviruses that led to the Discovery of HIV Protease
Stephen Oroszlan, NCI (Scientist Emeritus)

A Chemical Technology Which Led to Applications for Detecting Acute Deep Vein Thrombi and Non-Small Cell Lung Malignancies
Frank A. Robey, NIDCR

Cyclodextrins: Short Road to Discovery, Winding Road to Use!
Josef Pitha, NIA (Retired)


Chaired Stephen E. Straus, NCCAM and Jeffrey D. White, NCI
Main Auditorium

This mini-symposia is aimed at presenting a synopsis of recent and ongoing research being conducted at the NIH that addresses aspects of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). CAM is a field that, until recently, has been largely devoid of critical research. The talks given in this symposium should reveal that this is changing, that there is increased opportunity and investment in CAM research, and that scientists across the NIH are responding and generating interesting and important findings.


The Exploration of Nature for Anti-cancer and Anti-HIV Drugs
Gordon Cragg, NCI

Complementary and Alternative Medicinals as a Source for Chemokine Antagonists
O.M. Zack Howard, NCI

Drug Interaction with Complementary and Alternative Therapies
Stephen C. Piscitelli, CC

Enhancement of Brain Plasticity: A New Therapeutic Strategy
Lumy Sawaki, NINDS
