Clinical Investigations |
Abnet, Christian
Cormac (NCI)
C. Abnet, C. Borkowf, Y-L. Qiao, P. Albert, E. Wang, A. Merrill, Jr., S. Mark, Z-W. Dong, P. Taylor, and S. Dawsey
Sphingolipids as Biomarkers of Fumonisin Exposure and Risk of Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Bailey, James
J. (CIT)
J. Bailey, A. Berson, H. Handelsman
Dysrhythmia Hazard After Hospitalization For Myocardial Infarction: Prognosis By Ejection Fraction Compared With Signal-Averaged ECG
Bakalov, Vladimir
V.Bakalov, S.Kalantaridou, H.Godoy, V.Vanderhoof, D.Papanicolaou, C Bondy, L.Nelson
Anti-Adrenal Antibodies Are an Effective ScreeningTest For Autoimmune Adrenal Insufficiency in Young Women with Premature Ovarian Failure
Boyd, Susan
S.Boyd, J. Schroeder, B. Crape
Effect of mobile methadone treatment on crime in Baltimore neighborhoods
Bromley, Christina
Magdalena (NCI)
C.Bromley, M. Greene, T. Fears, R. Falk, A. Nomura, M. Pike, D. West, A. Wu, R. Hoover and R. Ziegler.
Westernization and Family History as Determinants of Breast Cancer Risk in Asian American Women.
Chen, Zhong
Z Chen,JS Wolf,D Duffey,NT Yeh,C Van Waes,G Dong
Elevation of Serum HGF and its Paracrine Regulatory Effects through HGF/c-Met interaction between Tumor Cells and Fibroblasts in Head and Neck Cancer Patients
Colbert, Lisa
H. (NCI)
L. Colbert, T. Hartman, N. Malila, P. Limburg, P. Pietinen, J. Virtamo, P. Taylor, D. Albanes.
Physical activity in relation to cancer of the colon and rectum in a cohort of male smokers.
Cui, Xiaohong
X.H. Cui, J.C. Wang, and G.L. Stoner
Genotypes of JC polyomavirus in China
Fang, Junyong
JY Fang MD PhD, EJ Metter MD, P Landis, DW Chan PhD, CH Morrell PhD, HB Carter MD
Low Levels of Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Predict the Long Term Risk of Prostate Cancer: Results from the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging
Flood, Andrew
Peter (NCI)
L. Caprario, A. Flood, J.V. Lacey, Jr., C. Schairer, A. Schatzkin
The Association of Folate, Methionine, and Alcohol with Colorectal Cancer in a Prospective Study of Women.
Grauman, Dan
J. (NCI)
D. Grauman, R. Tarone, S. Devesa, T. Helde, J. Regan, M. Cheney, E. Luke, J. Fraumeni Jr.
Interactive Cancer Mortality Rate Mapping on the World Wide Web
Harik-Khan, Raida
R.I. Harik-Khan,R.A.Wise,J.L. Fleg
The Effect of Gender on the Relationship between Body Fat Distribution and Lung Function
Harris, Tamara
Beth (NIA)
T Harris, M Visser, B Goodpaster, S Kritchevsky, A Newman, E Simonsick, S Rubin, M Nevitt, M Pahor, V Hubbard, J Everhart.
Visceral and thigh intermuscular fat explain the association of interleukin-6 with BMI: The Health, Aging and Body Composition Study (Health ABC).
Mattiko, Mark
S. Ballard, J. Ebel, J. Ganz, R. Hunt, G. Patrick, R. Stubbs, C. White.
Coping Responses of Research Patients with Chronic Disease
McCann, Serena
S. McCann, J. McDuffie, J. Nicholoson, L. Sastry, K. Calis, J. Yanovski
A Pilot Study on the Efficacy of Orlistat in Overweight Adolescents
Mohiddin, Saidi
Ahmed (NHLBI)
S. Mohiddin, J. Winkler, D. Begley, E. McLam, L. Fananapazir.
Actin Mutations Result In Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy With Distinctive Apical Pattern of Hypertrophy And Ventricular Non-Compaction
Namata, Geoffrey
Geoffrey Namata, Christian Weyer, Richard Pratley
Acute insulin secretory responses to glucose are higher in African-Americans with normal glucose tolerance than in Caucasians
Osborne, J.
Scott (CSR)
J. S. Osborne
The Internet in Epidemiologic Research and Risk Assessment
Pastor, Carmen
Carmen L. Pastor, Heidi Godoy, Andrew R. Zinn*, Lawrence M. Nelson
Developmental Endocrinology Branch, NICHD/NIH, Bethesda, MD; *Internal Medicine, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, TX.
Cytogenic Screening to Detect X-Chromosomal Abnormalities in Women with Premature Ovarian Failure
Peters, Ulrike
U. Peters, K. McGlynn, N. Chatterjee, N. Rothman, E. Gunter, W.H. Chow, R. Sinha
Vitamin D, Calcium, and Vitamin D Receptor Polymorphism in Colorectal Adenomas
Rider, Lisa
G (OD)
CM Artlett, R Ramos, SA Jimenez, K Patterson, FW Miller, and LG Rider, for the Childhood Myositis Heterogeneity Collaborative Study Group.
Detection of Microchimeric Cells of Maternal Origin in the Periphery and Tissue of the Patients with Juvenile Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathy (JIIM).
Russell, MS., Deserea
D L Russell, T T Nguyen, A Pathomvanich, K N Sovik, J R McDuffie, S C Hill, J A Yanovski, Unit on Growth and Obesity, DEB, NICHD.
Differences In Skeletal Maturation And Body Mass Index of African American And Caucasian Children.
Saremi, Aramesh
Aramesh Saremi, MD Robert L. Hanson, MD, MPH Desmond E. Williams, MBChB, PhD Janine Roumain MD, MPH Robert W. Robin, PhD Jeffrey C. Long, PhD David Goldman, MDWilliam C. Knowler, MD, Dr PH
Validity of the CAGE Questionaire in an American Indian Pouplation.
Sarlis, Nicholas
John (NIDDK)
H. Pak, M.C. Skarulis, M.J. Merino, D. Schrump, H.R. Alexander, S.K. Libutti, N.J. Sarlis
The Role of Extensive Metastatectomy in the Long-Term Management of Clinically Aggressive Thyroid Carcinoma. The NIH Experience
Sarlis, Nicholas
John (NIDDK)
G.I. Uwaifo, A.T. Remaley, M. Stene, J.C. Reynolds, P.M. Yen, R.H. Snider, K.L. Becker, and N.J. Sarlis
A Cautionary Tale on the Use of Plasma Calcitonin Assays in Screening of Patients with Thyroid Nodules for Neoplasia: A Case of Spurios Hypercalcitoninemia.
Sarlis, Nicholas
John (NIDDK)
P. Rotman-Pikielny, F. Brucker-Davis, M.L. Turner, M.C. Skarulis, N.J. Sarlis
Lack of Effect of Long-Term Octreotide (OC) Treatment in Severe Graves’ Dermopathy (GD)
Schrager, Matthew
Alan (NIA)
M.A. Schrager, S.M. Roth, R.E. Ferrell, E.J. Metter, N.A. Lynch, R.S. Lindle, B.F. Hurley
Insulin-Like Growth Factor-2 (IGF-2) Genotype is Related to Muscle Strength Across Adult Age Span
Sparber, Andrew
D. Ford and A. Sparber
Clinical Center Wide Survey of CC Health Care Providers' Practices and Perceptions on Patient Use of Herbal/Botanical Supplements.
Taveira-DaSilva, Angelo
A.M. Taveira-DaSilva, C.J. Hedin, S. Hunsberger, K. Matsui, W.D. Travis, V.J. Ferrans, and J. Moss
Evidence for Reversible Airflow Obstruction and Bronchiolitis in Lymphangioleiomyomatosis(LAM)
Tayebi, Nahid
N. Tayebi, J.K. Park, V. Madike, E. Sidransky
A duplication of the glucocerebrosidase pseudogene and a metaxin fusion gene found in patients with Gaucher disese and in normal controls.
Tsilou, Ekaterini
E. Tsilou, B. Rubin, R. Caruso, G. Reed, J. Hejtmancik, F. Iwata, J. Redman and M. Kaiser-Kupfer.
Natural History of Usher Syndrome and Comparison of Severity of the Ocular Symptoms and Signs Between the Two Major Types, I and II
Umhau, John
J.C.Umhau, D.T. George, S.E. Graham, J.R. Biddison, R.R. Rawlings
"The Effect of a Yohimbine Infusion on Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Non-Violent Controls".
van Gijssel, Hilde
E. (NCI)
H.E. van Gijssel, M.J. Roth, R.L. Divi, O.A. Olivero, S.M. Dawsey, P.R. Taylor, J.A. Schrager, D.E Kleiner and M.C. Poirier
Is the high rate of esophageal cancer in Linxian, China associated with the formation of PAH-DNA adducts in human esophageal tissue?
Vozarova, Barbora
B. Vozarova, C. Weyer, J.-F. Gautier, R.E. Pratley,
G. Cizza, G. Chrousos, E. Ravussin, and P.A. Tataranni
Effect of Overnight Partial Chemical Adrenalectomy and Subsequent Hydrocortisone Infusion on Muscle Sympathetic Nerve Activity (MSNA) and Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) in Caucasians and Pima Indians
Williams, Desmond
D. Williams, R. Hanson, W. Knowler, M. Sievers, R. Nelson and P. Bennett.
Is the excess mortality associated with obesity measured at 20-40 yrs in Pima Indians explained by the development of type 2 diabetes?
Williams, Wendol
W.A. Williams, P.B. Depetrillo, D.Hommer
Modeling of Kinetic Parameters of Acute Tryptophan Depletion in Human Subjects